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store electric energy circuit design ?

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May 19, 2010
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did anyone know where can i find the storage electric energy circuit design?

since i have the generated electric, but i need a circuitry to store it, but i just know capacitor and inductor can stored, but how to connect i dont know.

please provide me some guided and show some useful forum and article

your help is deeply appreciated



How much energy do you want to store, how fast will you store it (that is power) and how fast will you use it (output power), what efficiency do you require?

A capacitor, you can charge it up to highest possible voltage (but not more than it's rating). Then the energy will be keept there as long as you have the poles disconnected.

An inductor will store energy as long as you feed it with current. Ideally there should be a very low voltage when you feed it woth DC current, so the effect loss shouldn't be that much (short period of time).
When you disconect the current source and at same time you connect the poles to some resistor with relatively high resistance, most energy stored in the coil shouldd end up in that resistor.
to winRFP, the amount of energy that i want to stored is a few milivolt, i dont understand, the storage of energy can be speed? can faster? preliminary stage is i just on have to store the energy, no need to spend it.

to Prototyp_V1.0, what is pole disconnect? mean the open cricuit?

studystudystudy said:
to Prototyp_V1.0, what is pole disconnect? mean the open cricuit?
In this particular cas I mean to physically remove any circuit that provide current to feed into an inductor and any circuit that multiplies voltage to feed a capasitor.
In this particular cas I mean to physically remove any circuit that provide current to feed into an inductor and any circuit that multiplies voltage to feed a capasitor.

Thanks Prototyp_V1.0, i understand now.


I supposed that you needed to store many Joules (k or M). In that case you also need to know how fast it will be stored and used. For example in a pulsed power application, you may want to use the energy in some milli or microseconds.

I can't get your millivolts.

For long term storage, capacitors are used frequently, You can charge and discharge them very fast. Switching power electronics are used to control the charging and discharging of the capacitor banks. Energy storage in inductors is nice when you have access to cryogenics (to eliminate the ohmic loss). At room temperature the ohmic loss needs to be compensated by a constant supply of energy.
thanks WimRFP, look like i need to study more. can u provide an example, my case is i using piezoelectric, press the piezoelectric material to generated electric, then i want stored the electric that generated.


Most piezoelectric transducers produce lots of voltage with low charge, hence extracting the energy with reasonable efficiency isn't easy. Whether high efficiency extraction is required depends on how much energy is available and how much you need to store.

I don't know your application, to give some useful feedback you need to provide more details.

A company called Enocean uses mechanical shocking a magnetic device for generating sufficient energy to power a UHF transmitter for transmitting a short burst of data.
thanks WinRFP, your advice is useful for me

so to store and extracting the energy we need to consider the how many energy is available, how much voltage that produce, how much the charge. any consideration need to taken?


Please give us some info on what you are actually doing, think of:
voltage, current and time duration of load (in fact number of Joules and power put into load), voltage, current and time duration delivered by your source, etc.

When your load requires 5V, 1mA during 1ms, you are talking about 5uJ (5mW during 1ms).

When your source gives a voltage pulse of 50V during 10ms across a 100 kOhm resistor you are talking about a peak power of 25mW with an energy of about 130uJ.
thanks WinRFP

becuase i just started to do this project, just finish writting my proposal, i havent study in deep yet. i will give you the information soon

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