I just use ESD zip-lock bags saved from incoming samples.
If I'm looking to preserve electrical abuse signatures I will
then put them in the freezer for later or much later. I do not
worry about moisture since everything I do goes into hermetic
packaging with gold plated leads. But wafers I just bag and
store in a file cabinet, figuring they'll bond up well enough
for lab uses (I do not handle "valued product").
Industrially, often non-shippable wafers are stored in
dessicators (silica gel, color-change). Also see file cabinets
with a nitrogen gauge-and-orifice feed used sometimes.
If you mean to store shippable product you will need to
use something that your flowed down spec mountain
says is legit, and have it on cal (what cal?) schedule like
other production equipment.
But for me "good enough" has been good enough.