Stop mask error between drill and silk screen

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Do I need to attend to this stop mask error?
Will it affect the working of the circuit in any way?
I have many stop mask errors of this sort..

Not quite sure what I'm looking at there, but the misalignment between the two circles looks excessive. You must have some offset difference between layers.

ohh no no
Actually I moved the drill to make some space.
The previous hole is the circle in the back.
Basically my doubt is does there need to be any gap between drill holes and tname layered text? Will it affect my circuit in any way?
just like the error in the image I am getting a quite a lot errors of this type..
do I need to move all the drill holes and the texts to keep them away or it won't matter?

Ohh okay
and what about wires?
like on some routes I have some text written.
Should I move that as well?

The problem is only with silk screen on pads (copper not covered by solder mask), it's O.K. upon wires or copper pours.

I got another stop mask error with vias
there is nothing around the via even then there's an error.
What does this mean?
How do I resolve it?

The picture isn't readable without further explanation. How can we know which features are marked by two overlaid hatched rectangles?

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