STM32f103 is not working Blink Led Project on Proteus simulation but work in real Hardware why ?

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Jan 7, 2010
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My first stm project Blinky Led works on real Hardware (BluePill Board) ,BUt not working on Proteus Simulation
Whats the wrong with I ?



how does the configuration of the STM32 in Proteus looks like e.g. with respect to the oscillator/crystal?
  • I do not see a frequency specified for X1, neither load capacitors.
  • Further, I assume your actual hardware includes bypass capacitors close to the VDD pin of the MCU, I do not know how sensitive the MCU model is in this respect.
  • Also I do not see a capacitor (~100 nF), which is usually connected from the NRST pin to ground. This capacitor ensures that the reset of the MCU ends after the suplly of the MCU is stable. The NRST pin has an internal pull-up resistor, so there is no need to connect it to VDD, as you did, which might cause trouble as well.

The crystal frequency is 8 MHz.
I tried with internal oscillator also.
Proteus some not require that capacitor with my experience,so I avoided it sorry,

I changed the Controller because of I got a proteus libary for stm32 BluePill board ,The same Hex code is worked in that ,
I guess ,It was the problem of the controller

Thanks to all

Oh, my God, you borrowed all the wrong circuits. NRST pin direct power, crystal oscillator no capacitor ground, catastrophic circuit
Consider it's proteus simulation, the simulator doesn't even use the crystal.
STM32 has internal power-on reset, not necessary to connect an external reset signal unless you want to use a dedicated supervisory device.

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