STM-32F103C8T6 coding

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Aug 18, 2023
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I am starting to work on STM-32F103C8T6 can someone guide me if coding on STM cube IDE is better (in terms of ease and effectiveness) than integrating it with Arduino IDE

For comemrcial product development I would think your better off
sticking with ST IDE :

1) Part is ARM based and with ARM widely sold by various vendors industry
backed corporate support more robust.

2) Becuse of 1) varients abound with the peripheral makeup, everything
from simple M0 type parts up to dual core.

3) Vendors support their IDE libraries usually quite well, its their business. Arduino
open source and testing and upgrades always a bit of a crap shoot.

4) ARM core docs superb, Arduino.....OK.....

5) Need to transport ST design into FPGA solutions robbust, Arduino eh .....?

6) ARM core performance generally no comparison to Arduino.

7) Better COM stack support.

Just some thoughts.

Regards, Dana.
For comemrcial product development I would think your better off
sticking with ST IDE :

1) Part is ARM based and with ARM widely sold by various vendors industry
backed corporate support more robust.

2) Becuse of 1) varients abound with the peripheral makeup, everything
from simple M0 type parts up to dual core.

3) Vendors support their IDE libraries usually quite well, its their business. Arduino
open source and testing and upgrades always a bit of a crap shoot.

4) ARM core docs superb, Arduino.....OK.....

5) Need to transport ST design into FPGA solutions robbust, Arduino eh .....?

6) ARM core performance generally no comparison to Arduino.

7) Better COM stack support.

Just some thoughts.

Regards, Dana.

When choosing a bare metal platform I often consider checking if the selected uC part is supported by Proteus simulator; many here will curse this tool but it helped me a lot many times.


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Andre, curious, can you elaborate a little on Proteus, I have never used it.

Regards, Dana.

With this tool it is possible to simulate the interaction of the firmware with the hardware ( to a certain extent ), quite often being possible to code with no need of the hardware at each compilation. If I'm not mistaken, they provide support for some parts of the STM, not sure whether the STM8 or STM32 family.

Sorry for not elaborating further, just to avoid distracting from the original topic.
I agree with Andre_Luis.

I recently did a button reading project using STM32 where in Proteus and to my surprise, it didn't work, I wasted a lot of time trying to find the error, which in fact didn't exist. When testing on physical hardware, the source code was worked perfectly.

So you should pay attention to some points like that.

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