I am using a Nema 34 stepper motor and DM556 driver with Arduino
And a single push button is also used on the input. What is needed now;
A full rotation (360 degrees) should be divided into eight parts
when push the button motor run 45 degree angle then stop,
When push the button again ; motor run 90 degree angle then stop.
This is followed by 135-180-225-270-315-360 degree angles.
That's enough.
conveyor system is run by using lead screw so stepper motor I am using My question stands. when a signal is send to arduino motor rotates 360 and conveyor runs by 5mm How can you be sure that the motor rotates 360? You may send instructions to the driver to achieve this, but without a...
I use Arduino and I'm beginner. I use the code below, but I don't understand what stepper.step(num) and STEPS in Stepper stepper(STEPS, 2,3,4,5) are, and I want to use stepper for specific degree a...
Hello all, i have some question about stepper motor that i use now. i try using accelstepper example to try constant speed of this motor. i set the motor about 2000 step/rev. i want to know what maximum speed that i can run using this type of motor. now my coding are like this. #include...