Audioguru already told how to calculate R1. This is the way i often use too, because it it the more "visual" way. It is easy to remember and it simply uses ohm´s law.
Now to the mathematical solution:
the formula in the datasheet is:
Vout = 1.2V * ( 1 + ( R1 / R2 ))
solved for R1:
R1 = (V_out - 1.2V) * R2 / 1.2
Hope that helps.
Two small points of criticism on the LT´s datasheet, that makes hobbyist´s life harder than needed:
1) they recommend 113k as R2. Only a few of us will have a 113k resistor in stock. I can´t find a benefit of 113k compared to a standard 100k, therefore i´d recommend a 100k as R2
2) the formula is solved for V_out. No developer would go this way. V_out is given by the application, and R2 is recommended in datasheet. Everyboby is looking for R1. The printed formula in datasheet should be: R1 = (V_out - 1.2V) * R2 / 1.2
Besides this LT is makes high quality devices, very detailed datasheets and very detailed application notes.