I am trying to design a constant current battery charger which gives out 230mA to charge a NiMh battery pack which at max charge is 11.8V (approx). My input voltage varies from 12 to 15V. I firstly had thought of stepping up the voltage to 16V@1A with the help of a switching step up convertor and then passing that through a lm317t configured as a constant current source to provide me 230mA for the battery pack. But as I am aiming for good efficiency this approach seems to inefficient. Instead I was thinking of simply designing my step up switcher to provide me 230mA@16V and connect the battery pack to the output via a diode(to prevent the battery feeding the circuit when the circuit's switched off). Is such an approach feasible?In other words, will this circuit provide me with a constant current for 8 hrs? Moreover,is there anything that I should be concerned about in particular, especially regarding the safety aspect of this circuit?
You can charge the battery using 1/10 current ratting using LM317 +resistor connected as a current source or only using a diode and resistor in parallel
But this method will not prevent damage to the battery pack due to overcharge
the best way is to use an IC charger (MAXIM,TI,Fairchild,LT,) to control charging
according to the battery spec