Starting with Rabbit Semiconductor 3000 board

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Member level 4
Jan 23, 2003
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Hello people

im going for the Rabbit !

Ive been searching their website for info on how to start with these boards.
They answer all of my questions, though there isnt any thing about starting up with them, besides buying the Development Kit.
I dont want the Dev Kit.

What do you guys think? the 3000 module and the programming cable, is just what i need to start ?


asena 8)


In fact, you don't need the Development Kit but however, you'll need the compiler and if you buy the Development Kit, you receive a test board, a programming cable and the compiler.

We're working with the Rabbit2000 for a while now and it works quite well. We are now developping a new Rabbit3000 based project (see



I've worked for a while with rabbit2000 and it's and excelent chip. I've seen the update done in the rabbit3000 and it's great!!

If you are starting, I think the best you can do is get the dev kit. It has everything you need to beging with and it's rather cheap in comparison with the expertise you will gain with it. Besides it has the compiler and all the key information on how to use the debbuging/programming port. Although I would recommend not to use the C compiler provided since it is not ANSI and you wont be able to port code "as is".

Hope this will help

Hi gpoletto2,
Is there an available alternative to the Dynamic C compiler? Because of the tremendous difficulty I've had with the Dynamic C environment (no .obj files, no standalone command line compiler or assembler, etc), I've started tinkering with a very simple high level language front end for z2kasm. It's mostly an experiment in my compiler writing skills (or lack thereof), but I'm hoping it will become useful.

However, if an inexpensive or free alternative exists, I'd love to hear about it. It doesn't even have to be "C" or portable, because I'm only writing the apps for myself.


Hi Tripples:

Yes, there is an alternative to Dynamic C wich I think is much better. This is the WinIDE for rabbit2000 from Softools Inc. (w** If you visit the site you can download a free trial version. The license, even though it not expensive, it is not free.
Some *BIG* diferences with dynamic C are that this is an integrated development environment. This means you can have a project (wich lacks in Dynamic C) with all your files in it. I find this very useful because most projects in C require more than one file and Dynamic C makes this difficult to handle.

Another huge difference is that WinIDE is ANSI C, and Dynamic C isn't. In my projects this made a lot of diference because I needed to port code and I was able to do it with not such a hard work as if I'd wanted to port it to Dynamic C.

If you are interested on this software there ia a forum in yahoo groups where you can ask everything and will be promptly answered. The tech support is real good.

Thank you for your quick response! I'm checking it out now, and it does look nice. Ahhhh, an alternative

Hope it is good enough for you as it was for me.

Good luck!

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