The trick is, your startup "boot current" must do a couple
of things reliably -
- must push current into a gain node, up to and above the
point where that gain will pull in and lock the current loop.
This gain and minimum boot voltage vary a lot w/ temp,
process and can be subject to "modeling laziness" (very
low current operation often gets inadequate attention,
even if it is consistent enough to model well with enough
If your gain is high across a very wide current range then
you can boot on leakage / noise. But leakage becomes
small with low temp and clean processing, too small to
be relied upon. Let alone the case where some defect
driven leakage steals "input". You need excess margin.
- the boot current must go elsewhere, before the loop
gets to setpoint. Again the thresholds for this vary w/
environmentals, and subthreshold slope matters a lot
in a CMOS design (tending to not be that well modeled
in "digital" kits).
If you break the bandgap loop and sweep voltage on
your chosen boot-point you can determine the (as
modeled) corners of this box and focus on the worst
cases in tweaking boot circuit design.