Advanced Member level 6

We are just about to do a Buck for 24vin, 15vout and 3Aout.
We want to evaluate difference between voltage mode control and current mode control.
We want as little output capacitance as possible, occupying as small area as poss on the board.
But the customer may attach a product with high amount of input capacitance. So we need it to stay stable
in this case.
Obviously we will go through and calculate the bode plots, using the expressions for power stage gain/phase, and
error amp gain/phase (+modulator)...and we will see which is more stable as output capacitance is added.
The calcs will take a good few hours in excel.....can you spoil it for us and tell us which control
method is going to mean more conducive to extra added output capacitance?
We are just about to do a Buck for 24vin, 15vout and 3Aout.
We want to evaluate difference between voltage mode control and current mode control.
We want as little output capacitance as possible, occupying as small area as poss on the board.
But the customer may attach a product with high amount of input capacitance. So we need it to stay stable
in this case.
Obviously we will go through and calculate the bode plots, using the expressions for power stage gain/phase, and
error amp gain/phase (+modulator)...and we will see which is more stable as output capacitance is added.
The calcs will take a good few hours in excel.....can you spoil it for us and tell us which control
method is going to mean more conducive to extra added output capacitance?