ST MC34063A DC-DC converter

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That's a good explanation Brian so thanks. I get the idea fairly clearly combined with the following website that I found:

So the purpose of the voltage divider is simply to provide a comparative voltage for the reference voltage of 1.25V, which via the comparator, determines when the pass transistors are turned on and off by the oscillator.

I get the voltage versus on-off time due to my playing around with pulse width modulation and reading about how it applies to control of power in DC engines.

You are most welcome.

If you look at the paragraph titled "The ripple filter circuit" on the same web site at it explains how the inductor and diode work together to store and release energy.


Useful documents for reading :


  • AN920-D Theory and Applications.pdf
    315.8 KB · Views: 71
  • Application.pdf
    169.3 KB · Views: 59
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