square wave generator with 50 % duty cycle

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Newbie level 4
Feb 14, 2013
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I want to make a perfect 100 kHz pulse with 50 % duty cycle. If a perfect 200kHz pulse can be generated, I know how to make it 100 kHz perfect 50 % duty cycle with flip flop. So I want the best solution to make a 200 kHz pulse generator. Does 555 timer (bipolar one) make a perfect 200 kHz pulse?
In the datasheet I didnot find any specs

what is the difference between pulse and square wave? i wanted to know whether 555 timer can produce that frequency correctly. thank you, kam1787 for your quick reply.

to me,

a pulse is single event - a single pulse
square wave generator or Astable Multivibrator generates a stream of pulses

yes the 555 can work at 200kHZ but if you want a 'perfect' square wave generator you ought to look at a higher performing IC or discrete design
i am trying 4060. but in proteus i just dont get any pulse. i have been using 3.2 MHz crystal. but proteus model is not giving any pulse. how to solve this? i have used the resistors and capacitors value as given in the image except the crystal of 3.2 MHz

Do you have a valid model for the crystal? Most simulators have a hard time to simulate crystal circuits due to the high Q of the crystal requiring long simulation times. Post your design file, so we can look at it.

Below, I have substituted the crystal by a lower Q LC circuit. As you can see it simulates well in Multisim.


  • 3.2M_osc.gif
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