[SOLVED] splitting a big mux - how can I access the CSRs

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splitting a big mux

Hello all,

In my design, I need to access the CSRs. For which I have come up with a solution of having a 40:1 mux. But seeing to the size of the mux it is not favuorable to have such a big mux.

Can anybody tell me how can I access the CSRs. Is there any way to split this big mux which will not affect the timings of the entire design.

Or is there any other way to do this.....?

Thanx in advance.

If the 40:1 MUX stisfies your timing requirement, ther is no harm to use it. But keep in min that the output will stabilize after propagation delay period.
I did not understand what do you meen by CRSs, can you explain to share thinking with you.


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