spiral of light appeared in Norway

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Re: The spiral in Norway

Yeah I saw it on youtube. I have seen rocket launches, and this did not
look like one. The "Explanation" was nice but did not truly describe the

The blue and white "Smoke" do not fit his description. You can see the outline
of the white (From the side) smoke all the was down to the source of
"The Rocket Launch", but is only seems to exist high in the sky! ?

As the smokes luminosity goes out it goes dark from the inside out !
If this was the Rocket that was the source of light it would Dim from the
outside inward. If it was the sun reflecting off the Smoke it would look more like
typical rocket launches!


Look how these do not fade out! (Only the Spiral faded not the lower "Smoke" so
what is the light source lighting the smoke?)


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Re: The spiral in Norway

Thanks you Element_115 for your participation.
What I really wanna know is the causes of that light and spiral. Do this has a relation to plution of the atmosphere or something like that ?

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