SPICE simulators market share

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Newbie level 2
Nov 10, 2010
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OK this is only indirectly related to Analog Design, but it was the closed matching board I found.

I am preparing a project and I need to know an estimation of the market share of SPICE simulators market share.
But I can't find this info.
Any suggestions?

what do you exactly want to do?

Thanks for the reply.

You mean at technical level?
To implement some SPICE models for specific devices.
It's a national funded research project and requires this info: the size of the market which the expected results of the project will be applied to.
That's why I am looking for market size of SPICE simulators

I doubt you will find the information. Software manufacturers won't say how many copies they sell as it may be useful to competitors. An estimate could be made from some sort of survey but whoever does such a survey would not supply the results for free and the information is unlikely to be accurate.


Step 1.
Look up these companies:

Mentor Graphics

To find their competitors, you can look for their stocks on their respective stock exchanges, and then look for similar companies.

Step 2.
Visit their websites and look for investor information. In their public releases, they will (most likely) give a breakdown of how much of their revenue comes from EDA tools. Some of it will be from SPICE simulators; this part could get tricky. Apply some sort of wizardry to figure this part out.

Step 3.
Roll up some number and submit it to your government.

Although, from your statement that you're looking to implement some SPICE models for specific devices, it sounds more like the market you'll impact will be whoever uses those devices, rather than the SPICE makers. In that case, look for companies that play in that market and follow the procedure outlined above.

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