I have been struggling for one month almost and I have searched on the internet all the information upside down.
I don't know what could this abbreviation mean: "srts" from the following context:
I am using the SPI in order to send/receive information.
"srts_status" variable first contains the result of the IRQ pin value.
Based on this, it then uses semaphores to gain access to specific blocks of code, something like this:
My question is, in this case, what does "srts" stand for? I have 2 options but I am not certain:
I have been struggling for one month almost and I have searched on the internet all the information upside down.
I don't know what could this abbreviation mean: "srts" from the following context:
I am using the SPI in order to send/receive information.
"srts_status" variable first contains the result of the IRQ pin value.
Based on this, it then uses semaphores to gain access to specific blocks of code, something like this:
static inline uint8_t spi_srts_down(uint32_t requiredDelay) {
uint16_t srts_status = WRITE_PERI_REG(GPIO_OUT_W1TC_REG, (1<<GPIO_HANDSHAKE));
if(1 == srts_status){
if(pdFALSE == xSemaphoreTake(slave_down, requiredDelay)) {
return pdFALSE;
} else {
return xSemaphoreTake(slave_toggle, requiredDelay);
} else {
xSemaphoreTake(slave_down, 0);
xSemaphoreTake(slave_down, 0);
return pdTRUE;
My question is, in this case, what does "srts" stand for? I have 2 options but I am not certain:
- status register
- slave request to send