Speedometer(RPM) using PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A I/P

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Newbie level 1
Jan 26, 2007
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rpm pic

Can anyone help me to design a digital speedometer in RPM, Actually i am in need of Code to program in PIC IC. I am going to us the sensor MOC7811 Opto Coupler. Can anyone help me....?

digital speedometer using microcontroller

Are you still interested in doing this ?
microcontroller speedometer

You hook a terminal (I can't remember which one, I just know it's not the ignition wire itself, it's one of the terminals on the side) from your ignition coil to the optoisolator and run the output of that into a comparator and then into your pic timier input. A four cylinder engine fires two times per rev, a six fires three times and an 8 fires 4 times per rev., so you can figure out the RPM quite easily. You could always hook up to the OBDII diagnostic unit but that is way more compolicated.

And keep the circuit out of the engine compartment unless you are very knowledgeable about sheilding and the use ot TVS's and zeners and diodes for protection of the voltage regulator and the microprocessor.

avr speedometer

can you give the schematic, i want to built one for my motorcycle

pic speedometer

you can use the capture compare module of PIC to measure rpm

pic16f877 odometer

I've done it with AVR...

There is two methode :
1. Use of port interrupt
2. Use of timer capture interrupt..

PM me if you still intereted..

Added after 25 seconds:

I've done it with AVR...

There is two methode :
1. Use of port interrupt
2. Use of timer capture interrupt..

PM me if you still interested..

speedometer using 8051

what is AVR?

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