speed of computer components

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Full Member level 1
Jul 18, 2007
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can any body tell me why PCI Bus is used????

is becoz of speed ...

which device is faster pci bus ,bridge ,memory or externel peripheral..

i hav hav confusion abt PCI

my consideration is that PCI works at 33 M Hz ...and peripheral have much higher speed then memory so for synhronization PCI is used???

and how speed get synchronozed??is by PCI Bus or Bridge do this??

no no no no..

u r not confuse about PCI.. you dont know about PCI..

yes PCI works at 33Mhz, it also works at 66MHz

In common PC computers, the system memory is usually much much faster than the peripherals and PCI bus. Depending on the particular PCI clock rate (33, 66, 100, or 133 MHz) and bus width (32 or 64 bits), PCI can give you several hundred megabytes per second. However, modern PC memory can go several gigabytes per second.

The PC motherboard has a bridge chip that exchanges data between the CPU's peripheral bus and the PCI bus, and provides the necessary bus handshake and arbitration.

i m not sure PCI works at 100 and 133 ..

PCIX works at 100 and 133

You're right. PCI is only 33 and 66 MHz. PCI-X provides 100 and 133.

that i know at what speed they work.......
i wanted to know that why PCI ???
to synchronize the speed between peripheral and memory??
whose speed is greater memory or peripheral???

Added after 8 seconds:

that i know at what speed they work.......
i wanted to know that why PCI ???
to synchronize the speed between peripheral and memory??
whose speed is greater memory or peripheral???

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