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spectrum analysis code in MaTLaB(urgently required)

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Apr 13, 2007
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spectral analysis matlab

i m new in matlab so i want code of spectrum analysis in MATALB
i need it urgently

matlab spectrum analyzer

use freqz, whatz exactly u need? hope freqz command is enough

matlab spectrum analysis

i have been given project of spectrum analysis but i m new in matlab.....
n i want that code which is not 4 any specific 4m any frez it will b generalized one .......
i will b very thankful 2 u !!!

spectrum analyzer matlab

At the matlab command prompt type

"help pwelch"

and go from there.


matlab spectral analysis

principal program:

% The spectrum of a process x is estimated using Welch's method
% of averaging modified periodograms.
% x : input sequence
% L : section length
% over: amount of overlap, where 0<over<1,
% win : The window type
% 1 = Rectangular
% 2 = Hamming
% 3 = Hanning
% 4 = Bartlett
% 5 = Blackman
% Welch's estimate of the power spectrum is returned in Px
% using a linear scale.
% see also BART, MPER, PER, and SPER

if (nargin <= 3) win=1; end;
if (nargin <= 2) over=0; end;
if (nargin == 1) L=length(x); end
if (over >= 1) | (over < 0)
error('Overlap is invalid'), end
n1 = 1;
n2 = L;
n0 = (1-over)*L;
for i=1:nsect
Px = Px + mper(x,win,n1,n2)/nsect;
n1 = n1 + n0;
n2 = n2 + n0;

auxiliar function:

function Px = mper(x,win,n1,n2)
%MPER Spectrum estimation using the modified periodogram.
%USAGE Px = mper(x,win,n1,n2)
% The spectrum of a process x is estimated using the modified
% periodogrm.
% x : input sequence
% n1 : starting index, x(n1)
% n2 : ending index, x(n2)
% win : The window type
% 1 = Rectangular
% 2 = Hamming
% 3 = Hanning
% 4 = Bartlett
% 5 = Blackman
% If n1 and n2 are not specified the periodogram of the entire
% sequence is computed.
% The modified periodogram is returned in Px using a linear scale.
% see also BART, PER, SPER, and WELCH

x = x:));
if nargin == 2
n1 = 1; n2 = length(x); end;
N = n2 - n1 +1;
w = ones(N,1);
if (win == 2) w = hamming(N);
elseif (win == 3) w = hanning(N);
elseif (win == 4) w = bartlett(N);
elseif (win == 5) w = blackman(N);
U = norm(w)^2/N;
xw = x(n1:n2).*w;
Px = abs(fft(xw,1024)).^2/(N*U);
pwelch matlab

thxxxx 4 the code but i dun want any code of welch n........???simply i wannit to learn how to make spectum analysis through matlab.and how dats works.....i will b very thankful 2 u !!!

power spectrum matlab code

pwelch is the matlab command to use. If you read the documentation for pwelch, you will learn how to do spectrum analysis in matlab. You can thank me later.


amplitude spectrum matlab

try this coding for finding spectral analysis

[Pxx,W] = pwelchcustom(x,200,90,64,10000);
Pxx2 = 10 * log10(abs(Pxx));
title('power spectrum of chirp data'),
ylabel('SPL (db)');

spectrogram matlab code

spectogram or specgram command depends on ur matlab ver

spectrogram matlab

For speech spectrum analysis you can download the Toolbox from this link:

You can used for any signal.
You can also download other Toolbox from the Net like: WeveLab

matlab spectrogram

thank u everone !!!
but i have told that i have been given project to make spectrum analysis!!!
is it feasible to make thorugh software??
or if i have to make through with harware then how can i make it!!!
please tell me !!!
i will b very thankful to u !!!
nyvz thxxxxx alot once again 4 ur cooperation ....

matlab microphone

hello everybody !!
still i m in fix to do dat !!!
do u knoe any link from where i get any information regarding spectrum analysis it feasible to make it through software??

matlab audio spectrogram

Several posters have told you how to do it in software. It's certainly possible to do in matlab. What data are you trying to do a spectrum analysis on?


spectrum analysis matlab

i have tried to run that principal program by dave but it ain't working.....if u have ryt code of spectrum analysis den plzz provide me m facing problem in it!!!i juz want code in matlab dats it!!!

spectrum analyzer in matlab

i want code of spectrum analysis in matlab .....simply whatever u or i will speak i can see the frequency spectrum of that voices on dat .......analyser so if u will help me .......

spectrum analysis using matlab

Hi munaim, RFDave has made a good point: you need to ask your question more clearly. The phrase "spectrum analysis" applies to a wide variety of physics and engineering projects.

You mentioned speech. Do you want to speak into a microphone, and use MATLAB to display the audio frequency spectrum? If that's correct, do you need an ordinary frequency-amplitude graph, or do you need a spectrogram? Do you need real-time display update?

Maybe this will help you:
Or maybe one of these:

power spectral analysis matlab

i want to display output on computer through code of matlab n 3 techniques which u have told me ......i want to use the simplest one ............
simply i write that code and having such interface that when i will speak through mic den it will show frequency spectrum of that ..........
n tells how frequency vary with voice .....
i think so now its clear ....

matlab code source for power spectrum

RF dave and other members of edaboard plzzzzz tell me the code n i have told the whole situation to u in previous post plzzzzz tell me
i will b veryy thankful 2 u !!!

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