spectremdl issue : syntax error before or at: trans invalid argument to run statement

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Junior Member level 3
Aug 9, 2012
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Hello !

I am a new user of spectremdl and I make a basic trial, just to check that it works. I want to print a value in a result file.

I don't know why, I have the below log file issues, and especially : syntax error before or at: trans invalid argument to run statement

I launch (through a job queue) : spectremdl -batch input.mdl -design input.scs -measure results_file

log file :

Simulating `input.scs' on clust at 30:52:56 AM, Tue Jun 68, 2033 (process

id: 115827).

Error found by spectre.

ERROR: line 11, column 5: syntax error before or at: trans

invalid argument to run statement

ERROR: line 11, column 10: syntax error before or at: <eof>

unrecognised statement

ERROR (MDL-6): Failed to parse MDL control file, `input.mdl'.

input.mdl :

alias measurement trans {

input real test_var = 13

run tran_simu

export test_var


run trans

input.scs extract :

simulator lang=spectre

global 0

include "xxx/corners_FF.scs"

parameters nmos_tran_model=nsvtlp pmos_tran_model=psvtlp wpen=xxx wneqi=xxx ... Rright=10 ... lneqi=xxx lndiff=xxx ...

subckt inv A1 YN vdd vnw vpw vss

parameters wp=xxx lp=xxx pfolds=1 wn=xxx ln=xxx nfolds=1

M5 (YN A1 vdd vnw) psvtlp w=wp*10e5 l=lp*10e5 nfing=pfolds mult=1 srcefirst=1 mismatch=1 lpe=0 numcos=1 numcod=1 ngcon=1

M2 (YN A1 vss vpw) nsvtlp w=wn*10e5 l=ln*10e5 nfing=nfolds mult=1 srcefirst=1 mismatch=1 lpe=0 numcos=1 numcod=1 ngcon=1

ends inv

// View name: schematic

subckt ncx ncx

ends ncx

// End of subcircuit definition.

Rleft (vli saout_b) resistor r=Rleft


M2 (saout saeqi saout_b vpw) nsvtlp w=xxx l=xxx nfing=1 mult=1 srcefirst=1 mismatch=1 lpe=0 numcos=1 numcod=1 ngcon=1

M1 (saout_b saout vss vpw) nsvtlp w=xxx l=xxx nfing=1 mult=1 srcefirst=1 mismatch=1 lpe=0 numcos=1 numcod=1 ngcon=1

M0 (saout net07 vss vpw) nsvtlp w=xxx l=xxx nfing=1 mult=1 srcefirst=1 mismatch=1 lpe=0 numcos=1 numcod=1 ngcon=1

M4 (vli signal1 vdd vnw) psvtlp w=xxx l=xxx nfing=1 mult=1 srcefirst=1 mismatch=1 lpe=0 numcos=1 numcod=1 ngcon=1


include ".../_graphical_stimuli.scs"

ic saout=xxx saout_b=0

simulatorOptions options reltol=1e-3 vabstol=1e-6 iabstol=1e-12 temp=70 tnom=27 scalem=1.0 scale=1.0 gmin=1e-12 rforce=1 maxnotes=5 maxwarns=5 digits=5 cols=80 pivrel=1e-3 sensfile="../psf/sens.output" checklimitdest=psf

tran_simu tran stop=10u write="spectre.ic" writefinal="spectre.fc" annotate=status maxiters=5

finalTimeOP info what=oppoint where=rawfile

modelParameter info what=models where=rawfile

element info what=inst where=rawfile

outputParameter info what=output where=rawfile

designParamVals info what=parameters where=rawfile

primitives info what=primitives where=rawfile

subckts info what=subckts where=rawfile

save signal1

saveOptions options save=allpub subcktprobelvl=2

Thanks a lot for your help !!


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