Spartan III - does anyone have any info

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Junior Member level 1
Jan 24, 2002
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I will miss 5V tollerance if it won't be (and probably won't) included like on Sparatan IIE

Spartan III use the 90nm Silicon.The core voltage below or equal 1.2V,I/O support 1.8V,2.5V and 3.3V,but doesn't support 5V.


If you search in elektrod@ you'll find more topics about this family, this one for example:

**broken link removed**

and here

**broken link removed**

I have been rebuilding some Virtex E and Virtex 2 designs targeting Spartan 3s. No problems so far and really looking forward to get some samples. I have heard that the first samples will be XC3S1000 (don't know the packaging).

One think I like is that the 3s400, 3S1000 and 3S1500 are available in the FG456 package. That is a big improvement because in Virtex II you could have a 2V500 and a 2V1000 in a FG456 but that was it. If you wanted to go for a 2V1500 bad news, you had to go for an FG676 or bigger.

Another think is that they have only characterised a -4 speed grade, and the first tests I have run are not as good as I thought, it seems slower than Virtex 2 equivalent and I was expecting it to be faster because the geometry is going down.

We'll see maybe is ISE5.2i + SP1 a bit crap in that aspect. I guess when they get the frst samples they will update these figures.

Does anybody know prices? I mean an estimation, are there any Xilinx employees in the forum who could help?



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