spartan 3e starter kit problem! HELP!

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Jul 20, 2005
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hi all;

i have a spartan 3e starter kit. i write code with xilinx ise. xilinx ise is generate bit file and i load this file with xilinx impact to fpga. it's ok. i generate prom file from bit file and i load xilinx platform flash (xcf04) but it's not working. i press PROG button but don't light XC-DONE led. configuration mode jumpers are Master Serial.


note: platform flash is previously working. but i don't know what happened now.

spartan 3 jumper programmer

Did you see any error messages while programming the flash? Browse through the progress messages.

Try following the step-by-step programming procedure in UG230 page 31:
**broken link removed**

If you wish to restore the original flash code, I think the correct bitstream is in "Initial Design for the Spartan-3E Starter Kit Board":
**broken link removed**

spartan-3e problems +xcf04

R u sure u r programming the write chip?

spartan 3e starter kit programming flash

Are you sure about Mode config ?

You need to set Jumper Mode config (M0,M1,M2).

hope this help


download spartan 3e xc3s500e fg320

thanks for all answers...

echo47 said:
Did you see any error messages while programming the flash? Browse through the progress messages.

no error messages. programming successful.

R u sure u r programming the write chip?

i readback platform flash and i compare original mcs file. they are same.

Are you sure about Mode config ?

You need to set Jumper Mode config (M0,M1,M2).

jumpers are ok. configuration mode jumpers are Master Serial.

i wrote in first messgae. the board is previously working. i don't change anything. i only erase platform flash and load new mcs file. but it's not work.

s3e starterkit platform flash no done led

thrn board may b faulty! try on diff board if u have 1

spartan 3e xcf04

i have the same board. so far only used jtag to program fpga and platform flash. all 3 jumpers should be installed

adc programming on spartan 3e kit

i found the problem. but i don't know how resolve it.

the problem is in xc2c64a cpld. CE (chip enable) of xcf04 platform flash is controlled by xc2c64a cpld. but cpld is don't select the flash. CE (pin 10 of xcf04) is high. i manually drive low CE pin of flash and press PROG button board is running from platform flash. i think cpld configuration may be changed. i download original cpld configuration file from xilinx reference designs. i try load to cpld but impact is give an error like "chip id is don't match". how i load original cpld configuration file to xc2c64a?

programming the adc on spartan-3e


I'm a begginer in FPGA and I want to programm a PID control
with VHDL for a DC-DC buck converter.

I have Spartan-3E Starter Kit (XC3S500E-FG320-4c)
and ISE8.1.

1)I need to read 2 analog signals, voltage and current
This kit have a dual gain amplifiers and 2 simultaneous
sampling ADC.

2)I'll generate a PWM output signal, which is a function
of the first 2 signals.

I saw a PicoBlaze ADC file, but how can use this application
or how can to modify this code to my application???

Can you give me some help how to handle an input signal
to create an output that I can use in my vhdl code.

>hi all;

>i have a spartan 3e starter kit. i write code with xilinx ise. xilinx ise is generate >bit file and i load this file with xilinx impact to fpga. it's ok. i generate prom file >from bit file and i load xilinx platform flash (xcf04) but it's not working. i press >PROG button but don't light XC-DONE led. configuration mode jumpers are >Master Serial.


>note: platform flash is previously working. but i don't know what happened now.

My board having the same problem.Pls reply


with one of my s3e starter kit the CPLD was corrupted before. if i remember correctly, i read back the CPLD code from a working board and flashed it in. it was working since. unfortunately, i don't have any of those boards with me. if you have a working one, you can give it a shot. i am interested to know whether it's working.


Re: adc programming on spartan 3e kit

I had the exact same problem and I solved it with your suggestion.
I downloaded and programmed into my board's cpld the default Xilinx cpld design (from here: xilinx dot com/products/boards/s3estarter/files/
Fortunately it worked without errors and now my PROM works fine when I press the PROG button.

I am really lucky that I found your post because this is a really strange issue and I wouldn't have found the solution easily. Thanks a lot!!

You are right about the problem! I think if a programming procejure (in iMPACT) fails, the original CPLD design will be deleted. So I downloaded the Default Xilinx CPLD Design file from **broken link removed** and programmed it into my board's CPLD. Fortunately it worked without errors and now my PROM works fine when I press the PROG button.
About programming the CPLD: iMPACT -> Boundary Scan -> xc2c64a -> Assign New Configuration File... -> original_CPLD_design.jed -> Program.
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i've tried it and it works like a charm!
Thanks a million.

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