Spartan 3E development tools on Linux

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I use Xilinx tools in both Windows and Linux and they work fine. However the Linux version I use is at work and was installed by someone else on one of Xilinx's supported distros (Red Hat Enterprise). So I can't help you with your Linux issues other than to assure you that ISE runs well on the supported distros.

However, two other points that may be useful. You do not have to simulate anything in ISE in order to synthesize and build. I have used Xilinx tools for around 13 years, have simulated every design and have never once used the simulator that Xilinx offers.

Secondly, if you are trying to synthesize the Hello World module you showed earlier in the thread, you had better stop now and try a different file. Nothing in that file is synthesizeable. In other words, the file does not describe anything that could be built in an FPGA.

If that was not your file, perhaps you should show it. And it may be a good idea to track down a good FPGA tutorial since you are a beginner at this. You may find one at fpga4fun

Last edited:

I've been using it for years on debian, and since Ubuntu is an ancient African word for can't configure debian ... it should work without too much trouble on ubuntu as well. And no root required either. I run the setup as boring non-root user, and then install it to /opt/xilinx/ise_145/ for example. In this case the /opt/xilinx/ tree is owned by that boring non-root user.

One thing that might be a sneaky trap ... the startup script for ISE doesn't play nice with some shells. For example you could use this as a shell script to start ise. This is part of the startup script for ISE 14.4.


. /opt/xilinx/ise_144/14.4/ISE_DS/

export DISPLAY=:0

ise $@

Incidentally, in a cleaner situation you should use /bin/sh, but since I don't know if the Ubuntu posse happens to use a crap default shell today it's better to be on the safe side with this.

This begin to be more fonctionnal but this it not really this

I use this shell script for to make the compilation of the .vl and .ucf files :

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+ Cleans old generated files +"
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
rm -rf xst/work

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+ Translates Verilog $1.vl to generic netlist $1.ngc +"
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "run -ifn $1.vl -ifmt Verilog -ofn $1.ngc -p xc3s500e-pq208 -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1" | xst

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+Translates the netlist $1.ngc to native FPGA elements and takes into account pin assignment from the $1.ucf +"
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
ngdbuild -p xc3s500e-pq208 -uc $1.ucf $1.ngc

echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+ Translates it to elements of the specified target +"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
map -detail -pr b $1.ngd

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+ Place and route step +"
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++"
par -ol high -w $1.ncd $1.par.ncd

echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+ Generates the $1.bit file to configure the FPGA +"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
bitgen -w -g StartupClk:Cclk $1.par.ncd $1.bit

echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+ Translates $1.bit to a form suitable to the eeproms +"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
# promgen -w -p mcs -o $1.mcs -u 0 $1.bit

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "+  (or split in two pieces to two EEPROM chips of smaller size on this board)  +" 
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
#promgen -w -x xcf04s xcf04s -p mcs -o $1.mcs -u 0 $1.bit

I test with this test1.vl file
module counter(CLEAR, CK12, LED);
input CLEAR;
input CK12;
output [7:0] LED;

reg[27:00] count;
reg metaclear;

always @(posedge CK12)
  metaclear <= CLEAR;
    count <= 0;
   count <= count + 1;

assign LED = count[27:20];


and this test1.ucf file :
NET "CLEAR"  LOC ="P13" ; # BUTON 1
NET "CK12"   LOC ="P39" ; # 12.5 Mhz clock
NET "LED<0>" LOC ="P70" ; # LED 0 
NET "LED<1>" LOC ="P71" ; # LED 1
NET "LED<2>" LOC ="P62" ; # LED 2
NET "LED<3>" LOC ="P66" ; # LED 3
NET "LED<4>" LOC ="P67" ; # LED 4
NET "LED<5>" LOC ="P68" ; # LED 5
NET "LED<6>" LOC ="P63" ; # LED 6
NET "LED<7>" LOC ="P65" ; # LED 7

So, I run the compilation of this with the script and the name of my verilog test named test1 (without the .vl extension)
 ./ test1

And I have this on the output :
+ Cleans old generated files +
(no news, good new)

+ Translates Verilog test1.vl to generic netlist test1.ngc +
Release 14.5 - xst P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

  1) Synthesis Options Summary
  2) HDL Parsing
  3) HDL Elaboration
  4) HDL Synthesis
       4.1) HDL Synthesis Report
  5) Advanced HDL Synthesis
       5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
  6) Low Level Synthesis
  7) Partition Report
  8) Design Summary
       8.1) Primitive and Black Box Usage
       8.2) Device utilization summary
       8.3) Partition Resource Summary
       8.4) Timing Report
            8.4.1) Clock Information
            8.4.2) Asynchronous Control Signals Information
            8.4.3) Timing Summary
            8.4.4) Timing Details
            8.4.5) Cross Clock Domains Report

*                      Synthesis Options Summary                        *
---- Source Parameters
Input File Name                    : "test1.vl"
Input Format                       : Verilog

---- Target Parameters
Output File Name                   : "test1.ngc"
Target Device                      : xc3s500e-pq208

---- General Options
Optimization Goal                  : Speed
Optimization Effort                : 1


*                          HDL Parsing                                  *
Analyzing Verilog file "test1.vl" into library work
Parsing module <counter>.

*                            HDL Elaboration                            *

Elaborating module <counter>.
WARNING:HDLCompiler:413 - "test1.vl" Line 15: Result of 29-bit expression is truncated to fit in 28-bit target.

*                           HDL Synthesis                               *

Synthesizing Unit <counter>.
    Related source file is "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/test1.vl".
    Found 28-bit register for signal <count>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <metaclear>.
    Found 28-bit adder for signal <count[27]_GND_1_o_add_1_OUT> created at line 15.
	inferred   1 Adder/Subtractor(s).
	inferred  29 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <counter> synthesized.

HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Adders/Subtractors                                   : 1
 28-bit adder                                          : 1
# Registers                                            : 2
 1-bit register                                        : 1
 28-bit register                                       : 1


*                       Advanced HDL Synthesis                          *

Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <counter>.
The following registers are absorbed into counter <count>: 1 register on signal <count>.
Unit <counter> synthesized (advanced).

Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Counters                                             : 1
 28-bit up counter                                     : 1
# Registers                                            : 1
 Flip-Flops                                            : 1


*                         Low Level Synthesis                           *

Optimizing unit <counter> ...

Mapping all equations...
Building and optimizing final netlist ...
Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 0) on block counter, actual ratio is 0.

Final Macro Processing ...

Final Register Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers                                            : 29
 Flip-Flops                                            : 29


*                           Partition Report                            *

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


*                            Design Summary                             *

Top Level Output File Name         : test1.ngc

Primitive and Black Box Usage:
# BELS                             : 85
#      GND                         : 1
#      INV                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 27
#      MUXCY                       : 27
#      VCC                         : 1
#      XORCY                       : 28
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 29
#      FD                          : 1
#      FDR                         : 28
# Clock Buffers                    : 1
#      BUFGP                       : 1
# IO Buffers                       : 9
#      IBUF                        : 1
#      OBUF                        : 8

Device utilization summary:

Selected Device : 3s500epq208-5 

 Number of Slices:                       15  out of   4656     0%  
 Number of Slice Flip Flops:             29  out of   9312     0%  
 Number of 4 input LUTs:                 28  out of   9312     0%  
 Number of IOs:                          10
 Number of bonded IOBs:                  10  out of    158     6%  
 Number of GCLKs:                         1  out of     24     4%  

Partition Resource Summary:

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Timing Report


Clock Information:
Clock Signal                       | Clock buffer(FF name)  | Load  |
CK12                               | BUFGP                  | 29    |

Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
No asynchronous control signals found in this design

Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -5

   Minimum period: 4.294ns (Maximum Frequency: 232.910MHz)
   Minimum input arrival time before clock: 1.731ns
   Maximum output required time after clock: 4.063ns
   Maximum combinational path delay: No path found

Timing Details:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'CK12'
  Clock period: 4.294ns (frequency: 232.910MHz)
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 434 / 56
Delay:               4.294ns (Levels of Logic = 28)
  Source:            count_1 (FF)
  Destination:       count_27 (FF)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_1 to count_27
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              1   0.514   0.509  count_1 (count_1)
     LUT1:I0->O            1   0.612   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt (Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt)
     MUXCY:S->O            1   0.404   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1> (Mcount_count_cy<1>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<2> (Mcount_count_cy<2>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<3> (Mcount_count_cy<3>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<4> (Mcount_count_cy<4>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<5> (Mcount_count_cy<5>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<6> (Mcount_count_cy<6>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<7> (Mcount_count_cy<7>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<8> (Mcount_count_cy<8>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<9> (Mcount_count_cy<9>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<10> (Mcount_count_cy<10>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<11> (Mcount_count_cy<11>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<12> (Mcount_count_cy<12>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<13> (Mcount_count_cy<13>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<14> (Mcount_count_cy<14>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<15> (Mcount_count_cy<15>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<16> (Mcount_count_cy<16>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<17> (Mcount_count_cy<17>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<18> (Mcount_count_cy<18>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<19> (Mcount_count_cy<19>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<20> (Mcount_count_cy<20>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<21> (Mcount_count_cy<21>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<22> (Mcount_count_cy<22>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<23> (Mcount_count_cy<23>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<24> (Mcount_count_cy<24>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<25> (Mcount_count_cy<25>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           0   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<26> (Mcount_count_cy<26>)
     XORCY:CI->O           1   0.699   0.000  Mcount_count_xor<27> (Result<27>)
     FDR:D                     0.268          count_27
    Total                      4.294ns (3.785ns logic, 0.509ns route)
                                       (88.1% logic, 11.9% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 1 / 1
Offset:              1.731ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            CLEAR (PAD)
  Destination:       metaclear (FF)
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: CLEAR to metaclear
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     IBUF:I->O             1   1.106   0.357  CLEAR_IBUF (CLEAR_IBUF)
     FD:D                      0.268          metaclear
    Total                      1.731ns (1.374ns logic, 0.357ns route)
                                       (79.4% logic, 20.6% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 8 / 8
Offset:              4.063ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            count_27 (FF)
  Destination:       LED<7> (PAD)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_27 to LED<7>
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              2   0.514   0.380  count_27 (count_27)
     OBUF:I->O                 3.169          LED_7_OBUF (LED<7>)
    Total                      4.063ns (3.683ns logic, 0.380ns route)
                                       (90.6% logic, 9.4% route)


Cross Clock Domains Report:

Clock to Setup on destination clock CK12
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
CK12           |    4.294|         |         |         |


Total REAL time to Xst completion: 15.00 secs
Total CPU time to Xst completion: 15.23 secs
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

Total memory usage is 108800 kilobytes

Number of errors   :    0 (   0 filtered)
Number of warnings :    3 (   0 filtered)
Number of infos    :    0 (   0 filtered)
=> why the 3 warnings ?

+Translates the netlist test1.ngc to native FPGA elements and takes into account pin assignment from the test1.ucf +
Release 14.5 - ngdbuild P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Command Line: /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/ngdbuild -p
xc3s500e-pq208 -uc test1.ucf test1.ngc

Reading NGO file "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/test1.ngc" ...
Gathering constraint information from source properties...

Annotating constraints to design from ucf file "test1.ucf" ...
Resolving constraint associations...
Checking Constraint Associations...

Checking expanded design ...

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
  Number of errors:     0
  Number of warnings:   0

Writing NGD file "test1.ngd" ...
Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion:  9 sec
Total CPU time to NGDBUILD completion:   9 sec

Writing NGDBUILD log file "test1.bld"...

=> what is a partition that it test to found into the design ?

+ Translates it to elements of the specified target +
Release 14.5 - Map P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Using target part "3s500epq208-5".
WARNING:Map:34 - Speed grade not specified.  Using default "-5".
Mapping design into LUTs...
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P13 on CLEAR is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P67 on LED<4> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P66 on LED<3> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P70 on LED<0> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.

Error found in mapping process, exiting...
Errors found during the mapping phase.  Please see map report file for more
details.  Output files will not be written.

Design Summary
Number of errors   :   4
Number of warnings :   1
I understand nothing with the "ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint" errors

I have tested to modify various LOC assignations into the test1.ucf file that I have found at,d.d2k&cad=rja because LOC assignations from LD0 to LD7 are not consecutives entries
=> I have always the sames styles of (aleatories ?) errors with LD0 to LD7 assigned from P70 to P77 for example :evil:

+ Generates the test1.bit file to configure the FPGA +
Release 14.5 - Bitgen P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
(no news, good new ...)

+ Translates test1.bit to a form suitable to the eeproms +
(normal, because I have commented the first promgen line for to be sure to not make the transfert to the FPGA)

+  (or split in two pieces to two EEPROM chips of smaller size on this board)  +
(normal, because I have commented the second promgen line is commented too)
Last edited:

"why 3 warnings ?"

Why not? Xilinx likes to repeat itself.

"=> what is a partition that it test to found into the design ?"

Ignore it.

ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P13 on CLEAR is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P67 on LED<4> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P66 on LED<3> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P70 on LED<0> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.

Now those you actually need to fix if you want to get something useful. Looks like your constraints are wrong somehow...

NET "CLEAR"  LOC ="P13" ; # BUTON 1
NET "CK12"   LOC ="P39" ; # 12.5 Mhz clock
NET "LED<0>" LOC ="P70" ; # LED 0 
NET "LED<1>" LOC ="P71" ; # LED 1
NET "LED<2>" LOC ="P62" ; # LED 2
NET "LED<3>" LOC ="P66" ; # LED 3
NET "LED<4>" LOC ="P67" ; # LED 4
NET "LED<5>" LOC ="P68" ; # LED 5
NET "LED<6>" LOC ="P63" ; # LED 6
NET "LED<7>" LOC ="P65" ; # LED 7

Those actually look okay, IFF it's for a device that has those pin locations. But since the error is "No such site on the device" I think that you are just using the wrong pin locations for this particular device.

Okay, I just checked it for one pin (the rest you can check yourself ). P13 on that particular package you selected is VCCINT, so no wonder it whines about it. And the other pins will be a similar problem. You need to either select the right fpga part for whatever you intend to do OR you will have to use the correct pin locations for this fpga package.

You might find these useful:

Hope that helps.

I haved too test from a makefile

# Makefile to compile and download a simple Verilog program


default: counter.bin

counter.ngc: counter.vl
	echo "run -ifn counter.vl -ifmt Verilog -ofn counter -p \
	$(DEVICE) -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1" | xst

counter.ngd: counter.ngc counter.ucf
	ngdbuild -p $(DEVICE) -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc

counter.ncd: counter.ngd
	map -k 6 -detail -pr b counter.ngd

counter.pcf: counter.ngd
	map -k 6 -detail -pr b counter.ngd

parout.ncd: counter.ncd
	par counter.ncd parout.ncd counter.pcf

counter.bit: parout.ncd
	bitgen -g CRC:Enable -g StartUpClk:CClk -g Compress parout.ncd counter.bit counter.pcf

counter.bin: counter.bit
	promgen -w -p bin -o counter.bin -u 0 counter.bit

install: counter.bin
	#stty --file=/dev/ttyUSB0 -opost
	#cat counter.bin > /dev/ttyUSB0
	# We want raw output

	rm -rf counter.bgn counter.bin counter.bit counter.bld \
counter.drc counter_map.xrpt counter.mrp \
counter.ncd counter.ngc counter.ngd counter_ngdbuild.xrpt \
counter.ngm counter_par.xrpt counter.pcf counter.prm \
counter_summary.xml counter_usage.xml counter_xst.xrpt \
netlist.lst parout.ncd parout.pad parout_pad.csv \
parout_pad.txt parout.par parout.ptwx parout.unroutes \
parout.xpi xlnx_auto_0.ise xlnx_auto_0_xdb xst

With this counter.vl file :
module counter(CLEAR, CK12, LED);
input CLEAR;
input CK12;
output [7:0] LED;

reg[27:00] count;
reg metaclear;

always @(posedge CK12)
  metaclear <= CLEAR;
    count <= 0;
   count <= count + 1;

assign LED = count[27:20];


and this counter.ucf file
NET "CLEAR"  LOC = P13 ; # BUTON 1
NET "CK12"   LOC = P39 ; # 12.5 Mhz clock
NET "LED[0]" LOC = P70 ; # LED 0 
NET "LED[1]" LOC = P71 ; # LED 1
NET "LED[2]" LOC = P62 ; # LED 2
NET "LED[3]" LOC = P66 ; # LED 3
NET "LED[4]" LOC = P67 ; # LED 4
NET "LED[5]" LOC = P68 ; # LED 5
NET "LED[6]" LOC = P63 ; # LED 6
NET "LED[7]" LOC = P65 ; # LED 7

And this give this at execution :
yannoo@Ubuntoo:~/Devel/FPGA$ make 
echo "run -ifn counter.vl -ifmt Verilog -ofn counter -p \
	xc3s500e-pq208 -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1" | xst
Release 14.5 - xst P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

  1) Synthesis Options Summary
  2) HDL Parsing
  3) HDL Elaboration
  4) HDL Synthesis
       4.1) HDL Synthesis Report
  5) Advanced HDL Synthesis
       5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
  6) Low Level Synthesis
  7) Partition Report
  8) Design Summary
       8.1) Primitive and Black Box Usage
       8.2) Device utilization summary
       8.3) Partition Resource Summary
       8.4) Timing Report
            8.4.1) Clock Information
            8.4.2) Asynchronous Control Signals Information
            8.4.3) Timing Summary
            8.4.4) Timing Details
            8.4.5) Cross Clock Domains Report

*                      Synthesis Options Summary                        *
---- Source Parameters
Input File Name                    : "counter.vl"
Input Format                       : Verilog

---- Target Parameters
Output File Name                   : "counter"
Target Device                      : xc3s500e-pq208

---- General Options
Optimization Goal                  : Speed
Optimization Effort                : 1


*                          HDL Parsing                                  *
Analyzing Verilog file "counter.vl" into library work
Parsing module <counter>.

*                            HDL Elaboration                            *

Elaborating module <counter>.
WARNING:HDLCompiler:413 - "counter.vl" Line 15: Result of 29-bit expression is truncated to fit in 28-bit target.

*                           HDL Synthesis                               *

Synthesizing Unit <counter>.
    Related source file is "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/counter.vl".
    Found 28-bit register for signal <count>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <metaclear>.
    Found 28-bit adder for signal <count[27]_GND_1_o_add_1_OUT> created at line 15.
	inferred   1 Adder/Subtractor(s).
	inferred  29 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <counter> synthesized.

HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Adders/Subtractors                                   : 1
 28-bit adder                                          : 1
# Registers                                            : 2
 1-bit register                                        : 1
 28-bit register                                       : 1


*                       Advanced HDL Synthesis                          *

Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <counter>.
The following registers are absorbed into counter <count>: 1 register on signal <count>.
Unit <counter> synthesized (advanced).

Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Counters                                             : 1
 28-bit up counter                                     : 1
# Registers                                            : 1
 Flip-Flops                                            : 1


*                         Low Level Synthesis                           *

Optimizing unit <counter> ...

Mapping all equations...
Building and optimizing final netlist ...
Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 0) on block counter, actual ratio is 0.

Final Macro Processing ...

Final Register Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers                                            : 29
 Flip-Flops                                            : 29


*                           Partition Report                            *

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


*                            Design Summary                             *

Top Level Output File Name         : counter.ngc

Primitive and Black Box Usage:
# BELS                             : 85
#      GND                         : 1
#      INV                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 27
#      MUXCY                       : 27
#      VCC                         : 1
#      XORCY                       : 28
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 29
#      FD                          : 1
#      FDR                         : 28
# Clock Buffers                    : 1
#      BUFGP                       : 1
# IO Buffers                       : 9
#      IBUF                        : 1
#      OBUF                        : 8

Device utilization summary:

Selected Device : 3s500epq208-5 

 Number of Slices:                       15  out of   4656     0%  
 Number of Slice Flip Flops:             29  out of   9312     0%  
 Number of 4 input LUTs:                 28  out of   9312     0%  
 Number of IOs:                          10
 Number of bonded IOBs:                  10  out of    158     6%  
 Number of GCLKs:                         1  out of     24     4%  

Partition Resource Summary:

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Timing Report


Clock Information:
Clock Signal                       | Clock buffer(FF name)  | Load  |
CK12                               | BUFGP                  | 29    |

Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
No asynchronous control signals found in this design

Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -5

   Minimum period: 4.294ns (Maximum Frequency: 232.910MHz)
   Minimum input arrival time before clock: 1.731ns
   Maximum output required time after clock: 4.063ns
   Maximum combinational path delay: No path found

Timing Details:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'CK12'
  Clock period: 4.294ns (frequency: 232.910MHz)
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 434 / 56
Delay:               4.294ns (Levels of Logic = 28)
  Source:            count_1 (FF)
  Destination:       count_27 (FF)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_1 to count_27
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              1   0.514   0.509  count_1 (count_1)
     LUT1:I0->O            1   0.612   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt (Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt)
     MUXCY:S->O            1   0.404   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1> (Mcount_count_cy<1>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<2> (Mcount_count_cy<2>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<3> (Mcount_count_cy<3>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<4> (Mcount_count_cy<4>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<5> (Mcount_count_cy<5>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<6> (Mcount_count_cy<6>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<7> (Mcount_count_cy<7>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<8> (Mcount_count_cy<8>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<9> (Mcount_count_cy<9>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<10> (Mcount_count_cy<10>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<11> (Mcount_count_cy<11>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<12> (Mcount_count_cy<12>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<13> (Mcount_count_cy<13>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<14> (Mcount_count_cy<14>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<15> (Mcount_count_cy<15>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<16> (Mcount_count_cy<16>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<17> (Mcount_count_cy<17>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<18> (Mcount_count_cy<18>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<19> (Mcount_count_cy<19>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<20> (Mcount_count_cy<20>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<21> (Mcount_count_cy<21>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<22> (Mcount_count_cy<22>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<23> (Mcount_count_cy<23>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<24> (Mcount_count_cy<24>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<25> (Mcount_count_cy<25>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           0   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<26> (Mcount_count_cy<26>)
     XORCY:CI->O           1   0.699   0.000  Mcount_count_xor<27> (Result<27>)
     FDR:D                     0.268          count_27
    Total                      4.294ns (3.785ns logic, 0.509ns route)
                                       (88.1% logic, 11.9% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 1 / 1
Offset:              1.731ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            CLEAR (PAD)
  Destination:       metaclear (FF)
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: CLEAR to metaclear
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     IBUF:I->O             1   1.106   0.357  CLEAR_IBUF (CLEAR_IBUF)
     FD:D                      0.268          metaclear
    Total                      1.731ns (1.374ns logic, 0.357ns route)
                                       (79.4% logic, 20.6% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 8 / 8
Offset:              4.063ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            count_27 (FF)
  Destination:       LED<7> (PAD)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_27 to LED<7>
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              2   0.514   0.380  count_27 (count_27)
     OBUF:I->O                 3.169          LED_7_OBUF (LED<7>)
    Total                      4.063ns (3.683ns logic, 0.380ns route)
                                       (90.6% logic, 9.4% route)


Cross Clock Domains Report:

Clock to Setup on destination clock CK12
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
CK12           |    4.294|         |         |         |


Total REAL time to Xst completion: 17.00 secs
Total CPU time to Xst completion: 17.07 secs
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

Total memory usage is 102652 kilobytes

Number of errors   :    0 (   0 filtered)
Number of warnings :    3 (   0 filtered)
Number of infos    :    0 (   0 filtered)

ngdbuild -p xc3s500e-pq208 -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc
Release 14.5 - ngdbuild P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Command Line: /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/ngdbuild -p
xc3s500e-pq208 -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc

Reading NGO file "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/counter.ngc" ...
Gathering constraint information from source properties...

Annotating constraints to design from ucf file "counter.ucf" ...
Resolving constraint associations...
Checking Constraint Associations...

Checking expanded design ...

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
  Number of errors:     0
  Number of warnings:   0

Writing NGD file "counter.ngd" ...
Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion:  10 sec
Total CPU time to NGDBUILD completion:   10 sec

Writing NGDBUILD log file "counter.bld"...

map -k 6 -detail -pr b counter.ngd
Release 14.5 - Map P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
ERROR:Portability:90 - Command line error: Switch "-k" is not allowed.

Usage: map [-bp] [-c [<packfactor:0,100>]] [-cm <covermode>] [-detail]
[-equivalent_register_removal on|off] [-global_opt off|power|speed|area]
[-global_opt7 off|power|speed|area] [-ignore_keep_hierarchy] [-intstyle
ise|xflow|silent|pa] [-ir [off|place|all]] [-ise <iseProjectFile>] [-l] [-lc
off|area|auto] [-logic_opt off|on] [-mt on|off|1|2|3|4] [-ntd] [-o
<outfile[.ncd]>] [-ol std|med|high] [-p <partname>] [-power on|off|high||xe]
[-activityfile <activityfile[.vcd|.saif]>] [-pr off|i|o|b] [-r 8|4|off]
[-register_duplication [off|on]] [-retiming off|on] [-smartguide <guide[.ncd]>]
[-t <costtable:1,100>] [-timing] [-tx on|off|aggressive|limit] [-u] [-w] [-x]
[-xe c|n] [-xt <costtable:0,5>] [-filter <filter_file[.filter]>] <infile[.ngd]>
make: *** [counter.ncd] Erreur 2

=> what is the good syntax to use with map ?
Last edited:

"what is the good syntax to use with map ?"

Mmmmh, I'll look it up later today. But in the meantime you can find out from the ISE logs...

Did you change the fpga part number in the meantime? If you still have the same, that UCF with P13 etc will still not work because of <that_stuff_i_said_in_previous_message>.



no you didn't. I suggest you fix that first, because you'll get the same map error like last time this way. As in, those LOC's didn't magically appear since last time you tried.

If I don't use the -k 6 parameter of map
(cf "map -detail -pr b counter.ngd" insted "map -k 6 -detail -pr b counter.ngd")

And use the original platform from where I have finded the makefile
(Cf. "xc3s100e-4-vq100" instead "xc3s500e-pq208")

=> this seem to compile fine
yannoo@Ubuntoo:~/Devel/FPGA$ make
echo "run -ifn counter.vl -ifmt Verilog -ofn counter -p \
	xc3s100e-4-vq100 -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1" | xst
Release 14.5 - xst P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

  1) Synthesis Options Summary
  2) HDL Parsing
  3) HDL Elaboration
  4) HDL Synthesis
       4.1) HDL Synthesis Report
  5) Advanced HDL Synthesis
       5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
  6) Low Level Synthesis
  7) Partition Report
  8) Design Summary
       8.1) Primitive and Black Box Usage
       8.2) Device utilization summary
       8.3) Partition Resource Summary
       8.4) Timing Report
            8.4.1) Clock Information
            8.4.2) Asynchronous Control Signals Information
            8.4.3) Timing Summary
            8.4.4) Timing Details
            8.4.5) Cross Clock Domains Report

*                      Synthesis Options Summary                        *
---- Source Parameters
Input File Name                    : "counter.vl"
Input Format                       : Verilog

---- Target Parameters
Output File Name                   : "counter"
Target Device                      : xc3s100e-4-vq100

---- General Options
Optimization Goal                  : Speed
Optimization Effort                : 1


*                          HDL Parsing                                  *
Analyzing Verilog file "counter.vl" into library work
Parsing module <counter>.

*                            HDL Elaboration                            *

Elaborating module <counter>.
WARNING:HDLCompiler:413 - "counter.vl" Line 15: Result of 29-bit expression is truncated to fit in 28-bit target.

*                           HDL Synthesis                               *

Synthesizing Unit <counter>.
    Related source file is "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/counter.vl".
    Found 28-bit register for signal <count>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <metaclear>.
    Found 28-bit adder for signal <count[27]_GND_1_o_add_1_OUT> created at line 15.
	inferred   1 Adder/Subtractor(s).
	inferred  29 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <counter> synthesized.

HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Adders/Subtractors                                   : 1
 28-bit adder                                          : 1
# Registers                                            : 2
 1-bit register                                        : 1
 28-bit register                                       : 1


*                       Advanced HDL Synthesis                          *

Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <counter>.
The following registers are absorbed into counter <count>: 1 register on signal <count>.
Unit <counter> synthesized (advanced).

Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Counters                                             : 1
 28-bit up counter                                     : 1
# Registers                                            : 1
 Flip-Flops                                            : 1


*                         Low Level Synthesis                           *

Optimizing unit <counter> ...

Mapping all equations...
Building and optimizing final netlist ...
Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 0) on block counter, actual ratio is 1.

Final Macro Processing ...

Final Register Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers                                            : 29
 Flip-Flops                                            : 29


*                           Partition Report                            *

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


*                            Design Summary                             *

Top Level Output File Name         : counter.ngc

Primitive and Black Box Usage:
# BELS                             : 85
#      GND                         : 1
#      INV                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 27
#      MUXCY                       : 27
#      VCC                         : 1
#      XORCY                       : 28
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 29
#      FD                          : 1
#      FDR                         : 28
# Clock Buffers                    : 1
#      BUFGP                       : 1
# IO Buffers                       : 9
#      IBUF                        : 1
#      OBUF                        : 8

Device utilization summary:

Selected Device : 3s100evq100-4 

 Number of Slices:                       15  out of    960     1%  
 Number of Slice Flip Flops:             29  out of   1920     1%  
 Number of 4 input LUTs:                 28  out of   1920     1%  
 Number of IOs:                          10
 Number of bonded IOBs:                  10  out of     66    15%  
 Number of GCLKs:                         1  out of     24     4%  

Partition Resource Summary:

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Timing Report


Clock Information:
Clock Signal                       | Clock buffer(FF name)  | Load  |
CK12                               | BUFGP                  | 29    |

Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
No asynchronous control signals found in this design

Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -4

   Minimum period: 4.941ns (Maximum Frequency: 202.388MHz)
   Minimum input arrival time before clock: 1.946ns
   Maximum output required time after clock: 4.310ns
   Maximum combinational path delay: No path found

Timing Details:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'CK12'
  Clock period: 4.941ns (frequency: 202.388MHz)
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 434 / 56
Delay:               4.941ns (Levels of Logic = 28)
  Source:            count_1 (FF)
  Destination:       count_27 (FF)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_1 to count_27
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              1   0.591   0.595  count_1 (count_1)
     LUT1:I0->O            1   0.704   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt (Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt)
     MUXCY:S->O            1   0.464   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1> (Mcount_count_cy<1>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<2> (Mcount_count_cy<2>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<3> (Mcount_count_cy<3>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<4> (Mcount_count_cy<4>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<5> (Mcount_count_cy<5>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<6> (Mcount_count_cy<6>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<7> (Mcount_count_cy<7>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<8> (Mcount_count_cy<8>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<9> (Mcount_count_cy<9>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<10> (Mcount_count_cy<10>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<11> (Mcount_count_cy<11>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<12> (Mcount_count_cy<12>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<13> (Mcount_count_cy<13>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<14> (Mcount_count_cy<14>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<15> (Mcount_count_cy<15>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<16> (Mcount_count_cy<16>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<17> (Mcount_count_cy<17>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<18> (Mcount_count_cy<18>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<19> (Mcount_count_cy<19>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<20> (Mcount_count_cy<20>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<21> (Mcount_count_cy<21>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<22> (Mcount_count_cy<22>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<23> (Mcount_count_cy<23>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<24> (Mcount_count_cy<24>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<25> (Mcount_count_cy<25>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           0   0.059   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<26> (Mcount_count_cy<26>)
     XORCY:CI->O           1   0.804   0.000  Mcount_count_xor<27> (Result<27>)
     FDR:D                     0.308          count_27
    Total                      4.941ns (4.346ns logic, 0.595ns route)
                                       (88.0% logic, 12.0% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 1 / 1
Offset:              1.946ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            CLEAR (PAD)
  Destination:       metaclear (FF)
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: CLEAR to metaclear
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     IBUF:I->O             1   1.218   0.420  CLEAR_IBUF (CLEAR_IBUF)
     FD:D                      0.308          metaclear
    Total                      1.946ns (1.526ns logic, 0.420ns route)
                                       (78.4% logic, 21.6% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 8 / 8
Offset:              4.310ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            count_27 (FF)
  Destination:       LED<7> (PAD)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_27 to LED<7>
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              2   0.591   0.447  count_27 (count_27)
     OBUF:I->O                 3.272          LED_7_OBUF (LED<7>)
    Total                      4.310ns (3.863ns logic, 0.447ns route)
                                       (89.6% logic, 10.4% route)


Cross Clock Domains Report:

Clock to Setup on destination clock CK12
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
CK12           |    4.941|         |         |         |


Total REAL time to Xst completion: 18.00 secs
Total CPU time to Xst completion: 16.74 secs
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

Total memory usage is 102660 kilobytes

Number of errors   :    0 (   0 filtered)
Number of warnings :    3 (   0 filtered)
Number of infos    :    0 (   0 filtered)

ngdbuild -p xc3s100e-4-vq100 -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc
Release 14.5 - ngdbuild P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Command Line: /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/ngdbuild -p
xc3s100e-4-vq100 -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc

Reading NGO file "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/counter.ngc" ...
Gathering constraint information from source properties...

Annotating constraints to design from ucf file "counter.ucf" ...
Resolving constraint associations...
Checking Constraint Associations...

Checking expanded design ...

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
  Number of errors:     0
  Number of warnings:   0

Writing NGD file "counter.ngd" ...
Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion:  13 sec
Total CPU time to NGDBUILD completion:   12 sec

Writing NGDBUILD log file "counter.bld"...

#map -k 6 -detail -pr b counter.ngd
map -detail -pr b counter.ngd
Release 14.5 - Map P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Using target part "3s100evq100-4".
Mapping design into LUTs...
Writing file counter.ngm...
Running directed packing...
Running delay-based LUT packing...
Running related packing...
Updating timing models...
Writing design file "counter.ncd"...

Design Summary:
Number of errors:      0
Number of warnings:    0
Logic Utilization:
  Number of Slice Flip Flops:            28 out of   1,920    1%
  Number of 4 input LUTs:                 1 out of   1,920    1%
Logic Distribution:
  Number of occupied Slices:             14 out of     960    1%
    Number of Slices containing only related logic:      14 out of      14 100%
    Number of Slices containing unrelated logic:          0 out of      14   0%
      *See NOTES below for an explanation of the effects of unrelated logic.
  Total Number of 4 input LUTs:          28 out of   1,920    1%
    Number used as logic:                 1
    Number used as a route-thru:         27

  The Slice Logic Distribution report is not meaningful if the design is
  over-mapped for a non-slice resource or if Placement fails.

  Number of bonded IOBs:                 10 out of      66   15%
    IOB Flip Flops:                       1
  Number of BUFGMUXs:                     1 out of      24    4%

Average Fanout of Non-Clock Nets:                1.83

Peak Memory Usage:  156 MB
Total REAL time to MAP completion:  6 secs 
Total CPU time to MAP completion:   6 secs 


   Related logic is defined as being logic that shares connectivity - e.g. two
   LUTs are "related" if they share common inputs.  When assembling slices,
   Map gives priority to combine logic that is related.  Doing so results in
   the best timing performance.

   Unrelated logic shares no connectivity.  Map will only begin packing
   unrelated logic into a slice once 99% of the slices are occupied through
   related logic packing.

   Note that once logic distribution reaches the 99% level through related
   logic packing, this does not mean the device is completely utilized.
   Unrelated logic packing will then begin, continuing until all usable LUTs
   and FFs are occupied.  Depending on your timing budget, increased levels of
   unrelated logic packing may adversely affect the overall timing performance
   of your design.

Mapping completed.
See MAP report file "counter.mrp" for details.
par counter.ncd parout.ncd counter.pcf
Release 14.5 - par P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Constraints file: counter.pcf.
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s100e.nph' in environment /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/.
   "counter" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc3s100e, package vq100, speed -4

Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range: -40.000 to 100.000 Celsius)
Initializing voltage to 1.140 Volts. (default - Range: 1.140 to 1.320 Volts)

INFO:Par:282 - No user timing constraints were detected or you have set the option to ignore timing constraints ("par
   -x"). Place and Route will run in "Performance Evaluation Mode" to automatically improve the performance of all
   internal clocks in this design. Because there are not defined timing requirements, a timing score will not be
   reported in the PAR report in this mode. The PAR timing summary will list the performance achieved for each clock.
   Note: For the fastest runtime, set the effort level to "std".  For best performance, set the effort level to "high".

Device speed data version:  "PRODUCTION 1.27 2013-03-26".

Design Summary Report:

 Number of External IOBs                          10 out of 66     15%

   Number of External Input IOBs                  2

      Number of External Input IBUFs              2
        Number of LOCed External Input IBUFs      2 out of 2     100%

   Number of External Output IOBs                 8

      Number of External Output IOBs              8
        Number of LOCed External Output IOBs      8 out of 8     100%

   Number of External Bidir IOBs                  0

   Number of BUFGMUXs                        1 out of 24      4%
   Number of Slices                         14 out of 960     1%
      Number of SLICEMs                      0 out of 480     0%

Overall effort level (-ol):   Standard 
Placer effort level (-pl):    High 
Placer cost table entry (-t): 1
Router effort level (-rl):    High 

Starting initial Timing Analysis.  REAL time: 3 secs 
Finished initial Timing Analysis.  REAL time: 3 secs 

Starting Placer
Total REAL time at the beginning of Placer: 3 secs 
Total CPU  time at the beginning of Placer: 3 secs 

Phase 1.1  Initial Placement Analysis
Phase 1.1  Initial Placement Analysis (Checksum:20d7429e) REAL time: 6 secs 

Phase 2.7  Design Feasibility Check
Phase 2.7  Design Feasibility Check (Checksum:20d7429e) REAL time: 6 secs 

Phase 3.31  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 3.31  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:20d7429e) REAL time: 6 secs 

Phase 4.2  Initial Clock and IO Placement

Phase 4.2  Initial Clock and IO Placement (Checksum:21e8a286) REAL time: 6 secs 

Phase 5.30  Global Clock Region Assignment
Phase 5.30  Global Clock Region Assignment (Checksum:21e8a286) REAL time: 6 secs 

Phase 6.36  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 6.36  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:21e8a286) REAL time: 6 secs 

Phase 7.8  Global Placement
Phase 7.8  Global Placement (Checksum:2a6241a5) REAL time: 11 secs 

Phase 8.5  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 8.5  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:2a6241a5) REAL time: 11 secs 

Phase 9.18  Placement Optimization
Phase 9.18  Placement Optimization (Checksum:33f962d4) REAL time: 11 secs 

Phase 10.5  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 10.5  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:33f962d4) REAL time: 11 secs 

Total REAL time to Placer completion: 11 secs 
Total CPU  time to Placer completion: 11 secs 
Writing design to file parout.ncd

Starting Router

Phase  1  : 81 unrouted;      REAL time: 14 secs 

Phase  2  : 65 unrouted;      REAL time: 14 secs 

Phase  3  : 2 unrouted;      REAL time: 14 secs 

Phase  4  : 3 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 14 secs 

Phase  5  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 14 secs 

Updating file: parout.ncd with current fully routed design.

Phase  6  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 14 secs 

Phase  7  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 15 secs 

Updating file: parout.ncd with current fully routed design.

Phase  8  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 15 secs 

Phase  9  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 15 secs 

Phase 10  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 15 secs 

Phase 11  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 15 secs 

Phase 12  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 15 secs 

Total REAL time to Router completion: 15 secs 
Total CPU time to Router completion: 14 secs 

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Generating "PAR" statistics.

Generating Clock Report

|        Clock Net    |   Resource   |Locked|Fanout|Net Skew(ns)|Max Delay(ns)|
|          CK12_BUFGP |  BUFGMUX_X2Y0| No   |   15 |  0.005     |  0.045      |

* Net Skew is the difference between the minimum and maximum routing
only delays for the net. Note this is different from Clock Skew which
is reported in TRCE timing report. Clock Skew is the difference between
the minimum and maximum path delays which includes logic delays.

* The fanout is the number of component pins not the individual BEL loads,
for example SLICE loads not FF loads.

Timing Score: 0 (Setup: 0, Hold: 0)

Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
   This may be due to a setup or hold violation.

  Constraint                                |    Check    | Worst Case |  Best Case | Timing |   Timing   
                                            |             |    Slack   | Achievable | Errors |    Score   
  Autotimespec constraint for clock net CK1 | SETUP       |         N/A|     4.537ns|     N/A|           0
  2_BUFGP                                   | HOLD        |     1.565ns|            |       0|           0

All constraints were met.
INFO:Timing:2761 - N/A entries in the Constraints List may indicate that the 
   constraint is not analyzed due to the following: No paths covered by this 
   constraint; Other constraints intersect with this constraint; or This 
   constraint was disabled by a Path Tracing Control. Please run the Timespec 
   Interaction Report (TSI) via command line (trce tsi) or Timing Analyzer GUI.

Generating Pad Report.

All signals are completely routed.

Total REAL time to PAR completion: 16 secs 
Total CPU time to PAR completion: 15 secs 

Peak Memory Usage:  142 MB

Placement: Completed - No errors found.
Routing: Completed - No errors found.

Number of error messages: 0
Number of warning messages: 0
Number of info messages: 1

Writing design to file parout.ncd

PAR done!
bitgen -g CRC:Enable -g StartUpClk:CClk -g Compress parout.ncd counter.bit counter.pcf
Release 14.5 - Bitgen P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s100e.nph' in environment
   "counter" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc3s100e, package vq100, speed -4
Opened constraints file counter.pcf.

Sun May 26 18:46:03 2013

Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Creating bit map...
Saving bit stream in "counter.bit".
Bitstream compression saved 418784 bits.
Bitstream generation is complete.
promgen -w -p bin -o counter.bin -u 0 counter.bit
Release 14.5 - Promgen P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
0x4e3c (20028) bytes loaded up from 0x0
Using generated prom size of 32K
Writing file "counter.bin".
Writing file "counter.prm".
Writing file "counter.cfi".

But not with my xc3s500e-pq208 plateform :sad:
map -detail -pr b counter.ngd
Release 14.5 - Map P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Using target part "3s500epq208-5".
WARNING:Map:34 - Speed grade not specified.  Using default "-5".
Mapping design into LUTs...
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P13 on CLEAR is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P67 on LED<4> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P66 on LED<3> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P70 on LED<0> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.

Error found in mapping process, exiting...
Errors found during the mapping phase.  Please see map report file for more
details.  Output files will not be written.

Design Summary
Number of errors   :   4
Number of warnings :   1
make: *** [counter.ncd] Erreur 2

What is the logic of pins assignements into the .ucf file ???
(cf. why alls consecutives LEDs are not assigned to consecutives pins and what about the good pins assignements for my spartan 3E board ?)

And/or what is the good code for my "Xilinx FPGA Development Spartan-3E XC3S500E-PQG208 Board 4.3" TFT LCD 4 Nios" platform ???
(xc3s500e-pq208 doesn't see adapted and xc3s500e-pqg208 doesn't work :evil
[I see RCXQ208_V5 on the FPGA board and the FPGA itself is a square XILLINK SPARTAN XC3S550E PQG208DGQ1205 D3110958A 4C]

PS : I use now "make clean" before each test
Last edited:

"But not with my xc3s500e-pq208 plateform "

Well, obviously. I already told you what is going on there. You need to fix your LOC's.

Normally you get some schematic or examples or whatever resources together with your board. Based on schematics you can then make a sensible UCF for your board. But with a bit of luck a UCF file for your specific board already exists. Ask whoever you bought it from or search ye olde Internet.

In any event, if you are sure that your target fpga is "XC3S500E-PQG208", then you can make a UCF based on the 2 links I already mentioned. Those have the LOCs for that package (and others).

- - - Updated - - -

Just thought of something ... some fpga dev boards even have the location for pin headers written on the pcb (silkscreen). So maybe you can take a closer look at your board and see if those are labeled.
The FGPA is a XILLINK SPARTAN XC3S550E PQG208DGQ1205 D3110958A 4C

And I see chineese sybils and RCXQ208_V5 on the board

- - - Updated - - -

"But not with my xc3s500e-pq208 plateform "
Just thought of something ... some fpga dev boards even have the location for pin headers written on the pcb (silkscreen). So maybe you can take a closer look at your board and see if those are labeled.

A very lots of thanks, the board have pins labels :smile:

But the LEDs are labeled LED2 to LED7 on the bottom-right (+ LED8 on the bottom left and LED1 at top left) :-(

On the other side, I have K2 for LEFT, K3 for UP, K4 for OK, K5 for DOWN, ...

=> it does not exist a standard, something like the ASCII code but adapted for pins assignements, that is respected on all cards ???

I have begin to read the p208_pinout table, but don't see where are LEDs entries
=> it's IO_Lxxxx or something like this ?
Last edited:

Well, I'm afraid I don't know that board. You can try to get info from whoever you bought it from. If it's a random chinese ebay dude you can ask if they have a schematic or the pinouts. At least in 0.01% of all cases they actually have useful schematics, so worth a shot.

I have a chineese DVD-ROM that come with the FPGA board and two visits cards
=> I test to decrypt something into the mixed chineese / english docs stored in the DVD and send a email at the two adress given in the two visits cards in parallel


I see this on the FPGA



I have found some indications on the DVD-ROM , I think that is a SPARTAN-3E QFP Package

Package : PQG208
Revision : D
Fabrication : G
Process technology : Q
Date Code : 1205
Speed grade : 4
Temperature range : C
(this is what I decode with the help of a .pdf file founded on the DVD than explain how to decode the marking on the FPGA)


I think have to find the table conversion
=> how can I copy/paste an array from a .pdf file to a .txt file but without to loose the lines/columns formats such as initially set in the .pdf file ?
(I have a lot of ligne but the line/column order seem loose between the .pdf and the .txt file :roll: )
Last edited:

I have a chineese DVD-ROM that come with the FPGA board and two visits cards

Does it have a panda bear on it? XD In any event, I'd say check out the dvd content then. You know, the thing you should have been doing before all this... I'd expect some example code + .ucf files to be on there...

I see that map tool always generate errors of this style :
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint XXXX on YYYY  is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.

=> have the map program an option for to display alls valids constraints that it can handle ?
(with the list of valids contraints, I can perhaps test to detect what is the good table conversion to use with the elimination of tables with at least one invalid entry ...)

And/or can map to display the list of alls valids sites on the device ?
(this can to be very more efficient)


I have find the pins list of my board into the chineese/english DVD in a file named "RED CORE】RCXQ208_V5 FPGA PINLIST.xlsx"

RCXQ208_V5_1.1 Pin list								
Signal name	I/O	Pin number	Signal name	I/O	Pin number	Signal name	I/O	Pin number
Globale reset								
RESET			Tact Switch					
SPI port	I	6	KEY_LINE0 (K2)	I	57	VGA		
SPI_CLK	O	8	KEY_LINE1 (K3)	I	58	H_SYNC	O	140
SPI_CS	0	9	KEY_LINE2 (K4)	I	71	V_SYNC	O	144
SPI_MOSI	0	11	KEY_LINE3 (K5)	I	72	R	O	147
SPI_MISO	I	12	KEY_LINE4 (K6)	I	91	G	O	146
UART			KEY_LINE5 (K7)	I	101	B	O	145
UART_RX	I	14	KEY_LINE6 (K8)	I	110			
UART_TX	0	15	2 Global clock in			PS2		
RTC DS1302			CLK_50M	I	80	PS2_DATA	I	148
RTC_CLK	O	19	CLK_40M	I	82	PS2_CLK	I	159
RTC_IO	IO	18						
DIP Switch			LCD1602_D0,TUBE_D0	O	102	SRAM_D0	IO	190
PUSH_SW1	I	20	LCD1602_D1,TUBE_D1	O	99	SRAM_D1	IO	189
PUSH_SW2	I	26	LCD1602_D2,TUBE_D2	O	107	SRAM_D2	IO	187
PUSH_SW3	I	32	LCD1602_D3,TUBE_D3	O	109	SRAM_D3	IO	186
PUSH_SW4	I	43	LCD1602_D4,TUBE_D4	O	112	SRAM_D4	IO	185
PUSH_SW5	I	51	LCD1602_D5,TUBE_D5	O	100	SRAM_D5	IO	181
PUSH_SW6	I	54	LCD1602_D6,TUBE_D6	O	106	SRAM_D6	IO	180
LEDs			LCD1602_D7,TUBE_D7	O	108	SRAM_D7	IO	179
LED2	O	22	LCD1602_E	O	113	SRAM_D8	IO	162
LED3	O	23	LCD1602_RW	O	115	SRAM_D9	IO	163
LED4	O	24	LCD1602_RS	O	116	SRAM_D10	IO	164
LED6	O	28	IR	I	118	SRAM_D12	IO	202
LED7	O	29	BUZZER(PWM drive)			SRAM_D13	IO	203
J6			BUZZER	O	119	SRAM_D14	IO	205
GPIO_0 (SCL)J6.40	IO	30				SRAM_D15	IO	206
GPIO_1 (SDA)J6.39	O	31	TUBE_EN0	O	132			
GPIO_2  --- J6.38	IO	33	TUBE_EN1	O	129			
GPIO_3  --- J6.37	IO	34	TUBE_EN2	O	128	SRAM_A0	O	200
GPIO_4  --- J6.36	IO	35	TUBE_EN3	O	127	SRAM_A1	O	199
GPIO_5  --- J6.35	IO	36	TUBE_EN4	O	126	SRAM_A2	O	197
GPIO_6  --- J6.34	IO	39	TUBE_EN5	O	123	SRAM_A3	O	196
GPIO_7  --- J6.33	IO	40	TUBE_EN6	O	122	SRAM_A4	O	193
GPIO_8  --- J6.32	IO	41	TUBE_EN7	O	120	SRAM_A5	O	177
GPIO_9  --- J6.31	IO	42	ADC TLC549			SRAM_A6	O	172
GPIO_10 --- J6.30	IO	45	ADC_CLK	O	139	SRAM_A7	O	171
GPIO_11 --- J6.29	IO	47	ADC_DO	I	138	SRAM_A8	O	168
GPIO_12 --- J6.28	IO	48	ADC_CS	O	137	SRAM_A9	O	167
GPIO_13 --- J6.27	IO	49	DAC TLC5615C			SRAM_A10	O	150
GPIO_14 --- J6.26	IO	50	DAC_DIN	O	135	SRAM_A11	O	151
GPIO_15 --- J6.25	IO	55	DAC_CLK	O	134	SRAM_A12	O	152
GPIO_16 --- J6.24	IO	60	DAC_CS	O	133	SRAM_A13	O	153
GPIO_17 --- J6.23	IO	61	J7			SRAM_A14	O	160
GPIO_18 --- J6.22	IO	62	INPUT_0 -- J7.3	I	124	SRAM_A15	O	3
GPIO_19 --- J6.21	IO	63	INPUT_1 -- J7.4	I	130	SRAM_A16	O	4
GPIO_20 --- J6.20	IO	64	INPUT_2 -- J7.5	I	136	SRAM_A17	O	5
GPIO_21 --- J6.19	IO	65	INPUT_3 -- J7.6	I	142	SRAM_A18(IS61LV51216)	O	161
GPIO_22 --- J6.18	IO	68	INPUT_4 -- J7	I	194			
GPIO_23 --- J6.17	IO	69	INPUT_5 -- J8	I	154	SRAM_WE	O	178
GPIO_24 --- J6.16	IO	74	INPUT_6 -- J9	I	204	SRAM_OE	O	2
GPIO_25 --- J6.15	IO	75	INPUT_7 -- J10	I	169	SRAM_CS	O	192
GPIO_26 --- J6.14	IO	76	INPUT_8 -- J11	I	174			
GPIO_27 --- J6.13	IO	77	INPUT_9 -- J12	I	175			
GPIO_28 --- J6.12	IO	78	INPUT_10 -- J13	I	183			
GPIO_29 --- J6.11	IO	83	INPUT_11 -- J14	I	184			
GPIO_30 --- J6.10	IO	89						
GPIO_31 --- J6.9	IO	90						
GPIO_32 --- J6.8	IO	93						
GPIO_33 --- J6.7	IO	94						
GPIO_34 --- J6.6	IO	96						
GPIO_35 --- J6.5	IO	97

but when I use this for to map entries :
NET "CLEAR"  LOC = "P13" ; # BUTON 1
NET "CK12"   LOC = "P39" ; # 12.5 Mhz clock

#NET "LED[0]" LOC = "??" ; # LED 0 
#NET "LED[1]" LOC = "??" ; # LED 1
NET "LED[2]" LOC = "22" ; # LED 2
NET "LED[3]" LOC = "23" ; # LED 3
NET "LED[4]" LOC = "24" ; # LED 4
NET "LED[5]" LOC = "25" ; # LED 5
NET "LED[6]" LOC = "26" ; # LED 6
NET "LED[7]" LOC = "27" ; # LED
(I have only modified the LEDs entries but don't find LED0 et LED1 entries :-( )

The output of map is this
map -detail -pr b counter.ngd
Release 14.5 - Map P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Using target part "3s500epq208-5".
WARNING:Map:34 - Speed grade not specified.  Using default "-5".
Mapping design into LUTs...
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint P13 on CLEAR is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint 27 on LED<7> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint 26 on LED<6> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint 25 on LED<5> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint 24 on LED<4> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint 23 on LED<3> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.
ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint 22 on LED<2> is invalid: No such site on the
   device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.

Error found in mapping process, exiting...
Errors found during the mapping phase.  Please see map report file for more
details.  Output files will not be written.

Design Summary
Number of errors   :   7
Number of warnings :   1
make: *** [counter.ncd] Erreur 2

=> I have to convert decimals values to something like "super-hexadecimal" values ?
(style K17, P13 or others "nimportnawak/jsaispadoucasort" suites of characters ?)

- - - Updated - - -

This seem better with a spreadsheet conversion of a part of a file that I have found on the DVD
(I'm don't remember the name of the file because I have open/see a little the content/convert a very big lot of them in // ...)
Pin Number|Signal Name|Pin Usage|Pin Name|Direction|IO Standard|IO Bank Number|Drive (mA)|Slew Rate|Termination|IOB Delay|Voltage|Constraint|IO Register|Signal Integrity|

=> I have partially corrected the count.ucf file with infos finded into this array :

NET "CLEAR"  LOC = "P20" ; # BUTON 1
#NET "CK12"   LOC = "??" ; #  14.5 Mhz clock

NET "LED<0>" LOC = "P22" ; # LED 0 
NET "LED<1>" LOC = "P23" ; # LED 1
NET "LED<2>" LOC = "P24" ; # LED 2
NET "LED<3>" LOC = "P25" ; # LED 3
NET "LED<4>" LOC = "P28" ; # LED 4
NET "LED<5>" LOC = "P29" ; # LED 5
#NET "LED<6>]" LOC = "??" ; # LED 6
#NET "LED<7>]" LOC = "??" ; # LED 7

And now all compilations steps seem to work :-D

yannoo@Ubuntoo:~/Devel/FPGA$ make
echo "run -ifn counter.vl -ifmt Verilog -ofn counter -p \
	xc3s500e-pq208 -opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1" | xst
Release 14.5 - xst P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

  1) Synthesis Options Summary
  2) HDL Parsing
  3) HDL Elaboration
  4) HDL Synthesis
       4.1) HDL Synthesis Report
  5) Advanced HDL Synthesis
       5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
  6) Low Level Synthesis
  7) Partition Report
  8) Design Summary
       8.1) Primitive and Black Box Usage
       8.2) Device utilization summary
       8.3) Partition Resource Summary
       8.4) Timing Report
            8.4.1) Clock Information
            8.4.2) Asynchronous Control Signals Information
            8.4.3) Timing Summary
            8.4.4) Timing Details
            8.4.5) Cross Clock Domains Report

*                      Synthesis Options Summary                        *
---- Source Parameters
Input File Name                    : "counter.vl"
Input Format                       : Verilog

---- Target Parameters
Output File Name                   : "counter"
Target Device                      : xc3s500e-pq208

---- General Options
Optimization Goal                  : Speed
Optimization Effort                : 1


*                          HDL Parsing                                  *
Analyzing Verilog file "counter.vl" into library work
Parsing module <counter>.

*                            HDL Elaboration                            *

Elaborating module <counter>.
WARNING:HDLCompiler:413 - "counter.vl" Line 15: Result of 29-bit expression is truncated to fit in 28-bit target.

*                           HDL Synthesis                               *

Synthesizing Unit <counter>.
    Related source file is "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/counter.vl".
    Found 28-bit register for signal <count>.
    Found 1-bit register for signal <metaclear>.
    Found 28-bit adder for signal <count[27]_GND_1_o_add_1_OUT> created at line 15.
	inferred   1 Adder/Subtractor(s).
	inferred  29 D-type flip-flop(s).
Unit <counter> synthesized.

HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Adders/Subtractors                                   : 1
 28-bit adder                                          : 1
# Registers                                            : 2
 1-bit register                                        : 1
 28-bit register                                       : 1


*                       Advanced HDL Synthesis                          *

Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <counter>.
The following registers are absorbed into counter <count>: 1 register on signal <count>.
Unit <counter> synthesized (advanced).

Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Counters                                             : 1
 28-bit up counter                                     : 1
# Registers                                            : 1
 Flip-Flops                                            : 1


*                         Low Level Synthesis                           *

Optimizing unit <counter> ...

Mapping all equations...
Building and optimizing final netlist ...
Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 0) on block counter, actual ratio is 0.

Final Macro Processing ...

Final Register Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers                                            : 29
 Flip-Flops                                            : 29


*                           Partition Report                            *

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


*                            Design Summary                             *

Top Level Output File Name         : counter.ngc

Primitive and Black Box Usage:
# BELS                             : 85
#      GND                         : 1
#      INV                         : 1
#      LUT1                        : 27
#      MUXCY                       : 27
#      VCC                         : 1
#      XORCY                       : 28
# FlipFlops/Latches                : 29
#      FD                          : 1
#      FDR                         : 28
# Clock Buffers                    : 1
#      BUFGP                       : 1
# IO Buffers                       : 9
#      IBUF                        : 1
#      OBUF                        : 8

Device utilization summary:

Selected Device : 3s500epq208-5 

 Number of Slices:                       15  out of   4656     0%  
 Number of Slice Flip Flops:             29  out of   9312     0%  
 Number of 4 input LUTs:                 28  out of   9312     0%  
 Number of IOs:                          10
 Number of bonded IOBs:                  10  out of    158     6%  
 Number of GCLKs:                         1  out of     24     4%  

Partition Resource Summary:

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Timing Report


Clock Information:
Clock Signal                       | Clock buffer(FF name)  | Load  |
CK12                               | BUFGP                  | 29    |

Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
No asynchronous control signals found in this design

Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -5

   Minimum period: 4.294ns (Maximum Frequency: 232.910MHz)
   Minimum input arrival time before clock: 1.731ns
   Maximum output required time after clock: 4.063ns
   Maximum combinational path delay: No path found

Timing Details:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'CK12'
  Clock period: 4.294ns (frequency: 232.910MHz)
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 434 / 56
Delay:               4.294ns (Levels of Logic = 28)
  Source:            count_1 (FF)
  Destination:       count_27 (FF)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_1 to count_27
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              1   0.514   0.509  count_1 (count_1)
     LUT1:I0->O            1   0.612   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt (Mcount_count_cy<1>_rt)
     MUXCY:S->O            1   0.404   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<1> (Mcount_count_cy<1>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<2> (Mcount_count_cy<2>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<3> (Mcount_count_cy<3>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<4> (Mcount_count_cy<4>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<5> (Mcount_count_cy<5>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.052   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<6> (Mcount_count_cy<6>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<7> (Mcount_count_cy<7>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<8> (Mcount_count_cy<8>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<9> (Mcount_count_cy<9>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<10> (Mcount_count_cy<10>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<11> (Mcount_count_cy<11>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<12> (Mcount_count_cy<12>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<13> (Mcount_count_cy<13>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<14> (Mcount_count_cy<14>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<15> (Mcount_count_cy<15>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<16> (Mcount_count_cy<16>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<17> (Mcount_count_cy<17>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<18> (Mcount_count_cy<18>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<19> (Mcount_count_cy<19>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<20> (Mcount_count_cy<20>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<21> (Mcount_count_cy<21>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<22> (Mcount_count_cy<22>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<23> (Mcount_count_cy<23>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<24> (Mcount_count_cy<24>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           1   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<25> (Mcount_count_cy<25>)
     MUXCY:CI->O           0   0.051   0.000  Mcount_count_cy<26> (Mcount_count_cy<26>)
     XORCY:CI->O           1   0.699   0.000  Mcount_count_xor<27> (Result<27>)
     FDR:D                     0.268          count_27
    Total                      4.294ns (3.785ns logic, 0.509ns route)
                                       (88.1% logic, 11.9% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 1 / 1
Offset:              1.731ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            CLEAR (PAD)
  Destination:       metaclear (FF)
  Destination Clock: CK12 rising

  Data Path: CLEAR to metaclear
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     IBUF:I->O             1   1.106   0.357  CLEAR_IBUF (CLEAR_IBUF)
     FD:D                      0.268          metaclear
    Total                      1.731ns (1.374ns logic, 0.357ns route)
                                       (79.4% logic, 20.6% route)

Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'CK12'
  Total number of paths / destination ports: 8 / 8
Offset:              4.063ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Source:            count_27 (FF)
  Destination:       LED<7> (PAD)
  Source Clock:      CK12 rising

  Data Path: count_27 to LED<7>
                                Gate     Net
    Cell:in->out      fanout   Delay   Delay  Logical Name (Net Name)
    ----------------------------------------  ------------
     FDR:C->Q              2   0.514   0.380  count_27 (count_27)
     OBUF:I->O                 3.169          LED_7_OBUF (LED<7>)
    Total                      4.063ns (3.683ns logic, 0.380ns route)
                                       (90.6% logic, 9.4% route)


Cross Clock Domains Report:

Clock to Setup on destination clock CK12
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
CK12           |    4.294|         |         |         |


Total REAL time to Xst completion: 22.00 secs
Total CPU time to Xst completion: 21.62 secs
WARNING:Xst:3152 - You have chosen to run a version of XST which is not the default solution
   for the specified device family. You are free to use it in order to take
   advantage of its enhanced HDL parsing/elaboration capabilities. However,
   please be aware that you may be impacted by  language support differences.
   This version may also result in circuit performance and device utilization
   differences for your particular design. You can always revert back to the
   default XST solution by setting the "use_new_parser" option to value "no" 
   on the XST command line or in the XST process properties panel.

Total memory usage is 102656 kilobytes

Number of errors   :    0 (   0 filtered)
Number of warnings :    3 (   0 filtered)
Number of infos    :    0 (   0 filtered)

ngdbuild -p xc3s500e-pq208 -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc
Release 14.5 - ngdbuild P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Command Line: /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin/unwrapped/ngdbuild -p
xc3s500e-pq208 -uc counter.ucf counter.ngc

Reading NGO file "/home/yannoo/Devel/FPGA/counter.ngc" ...
Gathering constraint information from source properties...

Annotating constraints to design from ucf file "counter.ucf" ...
Resolving constraint associations...
Checking Constraint Associations...

Checking expanded design ...

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
  Number of errors:     0
  Number of warnings:   0

Writing NGD file "counter.ngd" ...
Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion:  13 sec
Total CPU time to NGDBUILD completion:   12 sec

Writing NGDBUILD log file "counter.bld"...

#map -k 6 -detail -pr b counter.ngd
map -detail -pr b counter.ngd
Release 14.5 - Map P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Using target part "3s500epq208-5".
WARNING:Map:34 - Speed grade not specified.  Using default "-5".
Mapping design into LUTs...
Writing file counter.ngm...
Running directed packing...
Running delay-based LUT packing...
Running related packing...
Updating timing models...
Writing design file "counter.ncd"...

Design Summary:
Number of errors:      0
Number of warnings:    1
Logic Utilization:
  Number of Slice Flip Flops:            28 out of   9,312    1%
  Number of 4 input LUTs:                 1 out of   9,312    1%
Logic Distribution:
  Number of occupied Slices:             14 out of   4,656    1%
    Number of Slices containing only related logic:      14 out of      14 100%
    Number of Slices containing unrelated logic:          0 out of      14   0%
      *See NOTES below for an explanation of the effects of unrelated logic.
  Total Number of 4 input LUTs:          28 out of   9,312    1%
    Number used as logic:                 1
    Number used as a route-thru:         27

  The Slice Logic Distribution report is not meaningful if the design is
  over-mapped for a non-slice resource or if Placement fails.

  Number of bonded IOBs:                 10 out of     158    6%
    IOB Flip Flops:                       1
  Number of BUFGMUXs:                     1 out of      24    4%

Average Fanout of Non-Clock Nets:                1.83

Peak Memory Usage:  165 MB
Total REAL time to MAP completion:  8 secs 
Total CPU time to MAP completion:   8 secs 


   Related logic is defined as being logic that shares connectivity - e.g. two
   LUTs are "related" if they share common inputs.  When assembling slices,
   Map gives priority to combine logic that is related.  Doing so results in
   the best timing performance.

   Unrelated logic shares no connectivity.  Map will only begin packing
   unrelated logic into a slice once 99% of the slices are occupied through
   related logic packing.

   Note that once logic distribution reaches the 99% level through related
   logic packing, this does not mean the device is completely utilized.
   Unrelated logic packing will then begin, continuing until all usable LUTs
   and FFs are occupied.  Depending on your timing budget, increased levels of
   unrelated logic packing may adversely affect the overall timing performance
   of your design.

Mapping completed.
See MAP report file "counter.mrp" for details.
par counter.ncd parout.ncd counter.pcf
Release 14.5 - par P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Constraints file: counter.pcf.
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s500e.nph' in environment /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/.
   "counter" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc3s500e, package pq208, speed -5

Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range: -40.000 to 100.000 Celsius)
Initializing voltage to 1.140 Volts. (default - Range: 1.140 to 1.320 Volts)

INFO:Par:282 - No user timing constraints were detected or you have set the option to ignore timing constraints ("par
   -x"). Place and Route will run in "Performance Evaluation Mode" to automatically improve the performance of all
   internal clocks in this design. Because there are not defined timing requirements, a timing score will not be
   reported in the PAR report in this mode. The PAR timing summary will list the performance achieved for each clock.
   Note: For the fastest runtime, set the effort level to "std".  For best performance, set the effort level to "high".

Device speed data version:  "PRODUCTION 1.27 2013-03-26".

Design Summary Report:

 Number of External IOBs                          10 out of 158     6%

   Number of External Input IOBs                  2

      Number of External Input IBUFs              2
        Number of LOCed External Input IBUFs      1 out of 2      50%

   Number of External Output IOBs                 8

      Number of External Output IOBs              8
        Number of LOCed External Output IOBs      6 out of 8      75%

   Number of External Bidir IOBs                  0

   Number of BUFGMUXs                        1 out of 24      4%
   Number of Slices                         14 out of 4656    1%
      Number of SLICEMs                      0 out of 2328    0%

Overall effort level (-ol):   Standard 
Placer effort level (-pl):    High 
Placer cost table entry (-t): 1
Router effort level (-rl):    High 

Starting initial Timing Analysis.  REAL time: 5 secs 
Finished initial Timing Analysis.  REAL time: 5 secs 

Starting Placer
Total REAL time at the beginning of Placer: 5 secs 
Total CPU  time at the beginning of Placer: 5 secs 

Phase 1.1  Initial Placement Analysis
Phase 1.1  Initial Placement Analysis (Checksum:3f6251) REAL time: 7 secs 

Phase 2.7  Design Feasibility Check
WARNING:Place:837 - Partially locked IO Bus is found. 
    Following components of the bus are not locked: 
   	 Comp: LED<7>
   	 Comp: LED<6>

INFO:Place:834 - Only a subset of IOs are locked. Out of 8 IOs, 6 are locked and 2 are not locked. If you would like to
   print the names of these IOs, please set the environment variable XIL_PAR_DESIGN_CHECK_VERBOSE to 1. 
Phase 2.7  Design Feasibility Check (Checksum:3f6251) REAL time: 7 secs 

Phase 3.31  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 3.31  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:3f6251) REAL time: 7 secs 

Phase 4.2  Initial Clock and IO Placement
Phase 4.2  Initial Clock and IO Placement (Checksum:2e21c976) REAL time: 8 secs 

Phase 5.30  Global Clock Region Assignment
Phase 5.30  Global Clock Region Assignment (Checksum:2e21c976) REAL time: 8 secs 

Phase 6.36  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 6.36  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:2e21c976) REAL time: 8 secs 

Phase 7.3  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 7.3  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:2e490d20) REAL time: 8 secs 

Phase 8.5  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 8.5  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:2e490d20) REAL time: 8 secs 

Phase 9.8  Global Placement
Phase 9.8  Global Placement (Checksum:3cffa80e) REAL time: 18 secs 

Phase 10.5  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 10.5  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:3cffa80e) REAL time: 18 secs 

Phase 11.18  Placement Optimization
Phase 11.18  Placement Optimization (Checksum:2f9dbb1c) REAL time: 18 secs 

Phase 12.5  Local Placement Optimization
Phase 12.5  Local Placement Optimization (Checksum:2f9dbb1c) REAL time: 18 secs 

Total REAL time to Placer completion: 18 secs 
Total CPU  time to Placer completion: 17 secs 
Writing design to file parout.ncd

Starting Router

Phase  1  : 81 unrouted;      REAL time: 35 secs 

Phase  2  : 65 unrouted;      REAL time: 35 secs 

Phase  3  : 4 unrouted;      REAL time: 35 secs 

Phase  4  : 5 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 37 secs 

Phase  5  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 37 secs 

Updating file: parout.ncd with current fully routed design.

Phase  6  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 37 secs 

Phase  7  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 39 secs 

Updating file: parout.ncd with current fully routed design.

Phase  8  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 39 secs 

Phase  9  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 39 secs 

Phase 10  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 39 secs 

Phase 11  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 39 secs 

Phase 12  : 0 unrouted; (Par is working to improve performance)     REAL time: 39 secs 

Total REAL time to Router completion: 39 secs 
Total CPU time to Router completion: 37 secs 

Partition Implementation Status

  No Partitions were found in this design.


Generating "PAR" statistics.

Generating Clock Report

|        Clock Net    |   Resource   |Locked|Fanout|Net Skew(ns)|Max Delay(ns)|
|          CK12_BUFGP | BUFGMUX_X2Y10| No   |   15 |  0.012     |  0.159      |

* Net Skew is the difference between the minimum and maximum routing
only delays for the net. Note this is different from Clock Skew which
is reported in TRCE timing report. Clock Skew is the difference between
the minimum and maximum path delays which includes logic delays.

* The fanout is the number of component pins not the individual BEL loads,
for example SLICE loads not FF loads.

Timing Score: 0 (Setup: 0, Hold: 0)

Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
   This may be due to a setup or hold violation.

  Constraint                                |    Check    | Worst Case |  Best Case | Timing |   Timing   
                                            |             |    Slack   | Achievable | Errors |    Score   
  Autotimespec constraint for clock net CK1 | SETUP       |         N/A|     3.960ns|     N/A|           0
  2_BUFGP                                   | HOLD        |     1.360ns|            |       0|           0

All constraints were met.
INFO:Timing:2761 - N/A entries in the Constraints List may indicate that the 
   constraint is not analyzed due to the following: No paths covered by this 
   constraint; Other constraints intersect with this constraint; or This 
   constraint was disabled by a Path Tracing Control. Please run the Timespec 
   Interaction Report (TSI) via command line (trce tsi) or Timing Analyzer GUI.

Generating Pad Report.

All signals are completely routed.

Total REAL time to PAR completion: 41 secs 
Total CPU time to PAR completion: 38 secs 

Peak Memory Usage:  157 MB

Placement: Completed - No errors found.
Routing: Completed - No errors found.

Number of error messages: 0
Number of warning messages: 1
Number of info messages: 2

Writing design to file parout.ncd

PAR done!
bitgen -g CRC:Enable -g StartUpClk:CClk -g Compress parout.ncd counter.bit counter.pcf
Release 14.5 - Bitgen P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s500e.nph' in environment
   "counter" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc3s500e, package pq208, speed -5
Opened constraints file counter.pcf.

Mon May 27 00:28:23 2013

Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Creating bit map...
Saving bit stream in "counter.bit".
Bitstream compression saved 1972928 bits.
Bitstream generation is complete.
promgen -w -p bin -o counter.bin -u 0 counter.bit
Release 14.5 - Promgen P.58f (lin)
Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
0x8e84 (36484) bytes loaded up from 0x0
Using generated prom size of 64K
Writing file "counter.bin".
Writing file "counter.prm".
Writing file "counter.cfi".

I know that the end of my nightmare is not completed but I begin to think that the end of this nightmare is approaching faster and faster :razz: :smile: :wink:
Last edited:

I have founded numerous RCXQ208_5.ucf files into the DVD :smile:
=> I think to make this week a program on my linux box that extract all pins / labels used on them for to can use exactely the same default.ucf file in alls my futures devellopments on this FPGA board
(for to have only the default.ucf file to change if we want to run this into another FPGA family board than my current FPGA board)

What is the method to be followed if I want to handle multiples examples that I have make into the FPGA ?
(cf. store multiples examples and can select only one of them using a switch or a push button button on the FPGA board for example)

What I want is to can handle very differents demos and can select the demo I want with only the need to press a push button on the FPGA board
(cf. handle something like a "BIOS" than can launch differents demos from his proper interface)

With the fact that each demo is really independant from the others of course :-D
(cf. have the possibility to devellop/test/upgrade one demo without to have the risk to destroy another totaly independant demo)
Last edited:

Yes, it's quite normal to make a my_favorite_board.ucf with just the pin constraints for a specific board. Then for a project based on that board you can just include that ucf file in your project.

And as you see in the spreadsheet you found it says for example:


Which incidentally is exactly the same as I mentioned earlier on; this info can be found in the zip file I linked to. This message serves two purposes. The most important of which of course is: I told you so, better listen right away next time. And the very minor secondary purpose: for future projects for other fpga packages you can use information like that from xilinx. In case you get a board without useful docs, or when you make your own fpga board and such.

Anyways, looks like you're getting there. First .bit file succesfully generated.

Thanks, mrflibble

Yes, alls my apologies, your .zip files are really a good reference

I have prefered to make this extraction myself because I was very dispointed too see that it can exist a different table for almost each FPGA families ...
=> and my extraction effectively only confirm the exactitude of your pq208_pinout.csv

But what about a generic method for to can handle an initial menu that can select between various demos and that give the possibility to can easily update each of them independantly from others ?
(when a demo end, the menu is automatically relaunched for to permit to select another demo. After that the second demo is ended, the menu is one again automatically relauched for to can select another demo, etc ...)

Something like this but in FPGA language :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef int (*demo_func)();

int demo0(){ printf("Quit \n"); return 0; }

int demo1(){ printf("One demo\n"); return 0; }

int demo2(){ printf("Another demo \n"); return 0; }

int demo3(){ printf("A third demo \n"); return 0; }

int demo4(){ printf("Demo four \n"); return 0; }

int demo5(){ printf("Demo five\n"); return 0; }

int demo6(){ printf("Demo six\n"); return 0; }

int demo7(){ printf("Demo 7\n"); return 0; }

int demo8(){ printf("demo 8\n"); return 0; }

int demo9(){ printf("Last demo\n"); return 0;  }

demo_func Demos[10] = { demo0, demo1, demo2, demo3, demo4, demo5, demo6, demo7, demo8, demo9 };

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int choice = -1; 

	while ( choice != 0 )
	        printf(" 1 : make something \n");
		printf(" 2 : make something other \n");
		printf(" 3 : make something other than 1 and 2 \n");
		printf(" 4 : launch the fourth demo  \n");
		printf(" 5 : lanch another demo than precedents \n");
		printf(" 7 : make something v7 \n");
		printf(" 8 : make something v8 \n");
		printf(" 9 : make something v9 \n");
 		printf("Select the demo between 1 and 9 [0 to quit] : "); 
		scanf("%d", &choice);
		if ( (choice > -1 ) && (choice < 10) )
			printf("return code = %d \n\n", Demos[choice]() );

	return 0;

=> we can easily select witch demoX to launch at each time the menu appear and have the possibility to can easily modify each demoX() fonction without any risk to destroy/modify another demoY()
(where the main menu is executed at boot on the FPGA and where each fonction demoX() is implemented on a different part of the FPGA, cf. via an independant .vl source file for each demo)

It's like pinout/type associations, we have to use a different general menu method for each FPGA families ???
Last edited:

You'll have to explain in a bit more detail what constitutes "another demo". What runs the selection process? cpu/mcu/fpga? What controls the display? Do you have 1 single fixed bitfile in the fpga or do you want to load a new bitfile based on whatever demo you select?

Strictly speaking there is no single answer to what you ask. It really all depends on what you want. So if you want a more meaningful answer, you'll have to explain it a bit more.

Why I want is to have the possibility to handle multiples consécutives demos but where each demo is strictly independant from others.

For exemple when you type 'dir' on a shell prompt, it display the content of the directory, after if you type 'clear' it clear the screen, etc ...

=> I want to can handle something like a prompt that ask what process/demo I want to execute on the FPGA, execute it, ask me just after the end of this process for the next process/demo to execute, execute it, etc ...

But I want too the possibility to use switch buttons instead and to can execute multiples process in the same time of course :-D
(cf. one demo for leds, one demo for the on-screen, another demo for the out screen, another for the serial/usb output, etc ...)

This is already make because I can see the chineese characters on the output screen, scrolling leds and see the colored checkerboard on the on-screen for example, but I don't know how this is handle :sad:
(and this only handled by switch buttons combinaisons on the FPGA board, for this instant I cannot to handle this with the keyboard and the on-board screen for example)

=> what I want is a very minimalistic OS that can handle a very limited number of tasks/process/demo with the handling of periphericals reservations for each independant task/process/demo
(for exemple, it have to synchronize access to the on-board and output screens, allow only one task to access the sames leds, etc ...)

Yes, it's something like to have the possibility to handling multiples .bit on the same FPGA
(one for each demo, but where each demo can have access to shared objects such as on and output screens, leds, segments, A/D and D/A converters, memory , etc ...)

For example, one part of the FPGA can handle something like a webcam, a second part can modify the content of the last stored picture and a third handle the current source picture into the onboard-screen + yet another part of the FPGA that display the content of the modified picture (cf. the picture modified by the second part) into the output VGA screen

=> we can independantly stop each part and this continue to work
(in a degraded mode of course because one part is stopped)

==> if we stop the webcam acquisition, the source image doesn't change but the modify and displays parts can continue their works
(showing of course a final static image in the on-board screen, and at the output screen too if the modify process is always the same, but finals pictures are nonetheless always internally really retreated at each time for each frame)

===> what I want in this case is for example the possibilty to have only the second part (the transformation process) to change on my linux devel station if I want to change the filter and **ONLY** transfert this little modified process to the FPGA, not alls 4 parts of the entire system to recompile/relink/retransfert to the FPGA
(the best is to have the possibility on the FPGA side to dynamically give the choice over wich filter to be used of course)

On the other side, I 'm not really certain that my FPGA board have enough RAM memory and/or can to handle more than 8 colors for to can handle multiples "SVGA likes" pictures on the same time (or can at least handling one webcam) :lol:

- - - Updated - - -

A very more simple example for to begin ...

one FPGA bloc VARIABLE for to generate one value x that is incremented at each step

one FPGA bloc FUNCTION for to compute a function f(x)

one FPGA bloc SOURCE that display printf("f(%d) = ", x) on the on-board screen

one FPGA bloc DEST that display the output of the bloc FUNCTION using printf("%d \n", FUNCTION)

where I can very easily/speedly transfert a modified FUNCTION bloc from my linux box to the FPGA
(without to have to recompile the VARIABLE, SOURCE or DEST blocs on my linux box and/or retransfert them on the FPGA)

And without to take the risk of destroying the possibility of being able to scroll the LEDs, display chinese symbols or activate/desactivate the running counter on the 7-segments digits by changing the position of the switches of course :lol: :lol:

I think that it's really very simple to do but don't know how to handle this because I'm really an hyper beginner in FPGA programming for now :roll:
(very more confirmed on the PC/MAC/UN*X hardwares and multi-platforms C/C++/Perl/scripts shells/databases worlds [my professional work since a little less than 20 years], computers graphics and networks domains but really very very new on the FPGA domain ;-) )
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If you are a hyper beginner then I suggest you try and get 1 full demo working first. ;-) You'll get a better feel for what kind of limitations there are, and what will and will not work. Because "minimalistic OS" ... if you want that to run on the fpga then you're in for a nice learning curve. If you want it to run on an mcu that happens to be on your board as well it might be easier.

Anyways, I would go over that panda bear dvd and see if there are any examples that do some parts of what you need. For one it would be nice if there's some example stuff on there on how to handle the touch screen.

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