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source &channel coding

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Advanced Member level 2
Advanced Member level 2
Nov 29, 2004
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what are the difference between source coding and channel coding..plz explin it with some examples...

i almost forgot about these concepts...long time haven't touched them..
but i think you can search for
"information theory" books in this edaboard to find the answer.

Added after 3 minutes:

some info on wiki:
--> In digital telecommunications, channel coding is a
pre-transmission mapping applied to a digital signal or data file,
usually with an error-detection or an error-correction code.

banh said:
i almost forgot about these concepts...long time haven't touched them..
but i think you can search for
"information theory" books in this edaboard to find the answer.

Added after 3 minutes:

some info on wiki:

--> In digital telecommunications, channel coding is a
pre-transmission mapping applied to a digital signal or data file,
usually with an error-detection or an error-correction code.

Short and try to descibe simular in analog world:

RIAA-filters for you LP-player are channel-(de)coding

and Dolby on you cassette player is a source-(de)code

Both used to maximize usable dynamic and frequence range over smaller dynamic and different frequence/phase shaped channel compare to source informations dynamic and frequence range and need also reconstruct circurits in reciver side.

banh said:
i almost forgot about these concepts...long time haven't touched them..
but i think you can search for
"information theory" books in this edaboard to find the answer.

Added after 3 minutes:

some info on wiki:

--> In digital telecommunications, channel coding is a
pre-transmission mapping applied to a digital signal or data file,
usually with an error-detection or an error-correction code.

as you sail error correction and detection methods fall under channel coding.....
METHODS like AM,PM,FM PPM,PAM,PDM PCM,DM,ADM falls under which category?

Added after 2 minutes:

still i want to know why/when along with the process"coding'" we should add the tag "source" or "channel".....

I think the answer of this Q. may require some graphs and figures

But brifelly,,,

the source coding like return to zero, manchester coding, or non return to zero coding , is used to provide 1- the bit synchronization. 2- to protect the detector from saturation if alot of ones or zeros repeated continuously.

but the channel coding is used to enhance the signal reciption(increase the bit error rate), for security, and the other known advantageous of decoding.

I wish that what u was looking for :D

Source coding is to to protect the system from saturation (and other problems) if alot of continuous ones or zeros are present in the input data ;

Channel to compensate the channel response(noise, multipath fading etc..)... so channel coding helps to recover data even it got errors...but extra bits are sent in addition of the data..
PAM, DM..are not coding techniques but are modulation techniques..

i think this is the best answer:D

electronics_kumar said:
what are the difference between source coding and channel coding..plz explin it with some examples...
SOuRCe coDING FOr decresING redundANCY

Channel coding is a viable method to reduce information rate through the channel and increase reliability. This goal is achieved by adding redundancy to the information symbol vector resulting in a longer coded vector of symbols that are distinguishable at the output of the channel. Another brief explanation of channel coding is offered in Channel Coding and the Repetition Code. We consider only two classes of codes

Source coding implies the compression the data before it transmit through the channel. In souce coding the Entropy is used as the parameter to relate the to compression.

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