sound energy into electricity

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Sep 4, 2013
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If I want to send electrical energy wirelessly in the form of sound energy, would someone guide me with the range of frequencies I should be looking into for efficient transfer?
The frequencies of sound which wouldn't be much absorbed by other objects.
anyone has any info or logic on this?
I heard that particular animals like whales make use of certain frequencies which are not absorbed by the water(thus,efficient transfer).

This is a path-breaking area of work. I doubt there is much information available, and you can be the first to do this research !

Keep us posted on what you find.

It is important that your beam of sound is focused properly at both the receiver and transmitter. You must use a parabolic dish for this.
If you use air I do not believe that there is a magic frequency where the air offers a lower attenuation, if it was within the range of frequencies that we use for hi fi, it would have been found while they were still making acoustic recordings. - Prove me wrong!
Whales use water to transmit "sound" through, its not sound, its vibration in the water that we hear as sound. A vibration detector would "hear" it too.

A more serious problem than possible transport absorption will be to recover the energy quantitatively at the receiver side, which requires good acoustic impedance matching.

Do you consider a specific range and energy level?

I think that this is a non-starter because the sound level
capable of causing humans and animals discomfort, is a
pretty low power density. Can you transfer some power?
Probably. Can you stand to be in the same room with a
meaningful acoustic power transfer? Probably not.

Thank u everyone for your info.. Yes,I had the same concerns mentioned above about using sound energy. But still, I want to explore..
I'll stay in touch

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