sony vaio vpcf115fm disply problem

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Advanced Member level 4
Sep 3, 2012
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I replaced my Sony VAIO vpcf115fm motherboard (M930 main board 1P-009BJ00-8012 REV 1.2 MBX-215)
I bought the motherboard from this page:
**broken link removed**

but I am having a problem, I don't get any image on my laptop screen even on starup I don't see nothing (even the vaio logo),
I can get an image only if I connect an external display via VGA port but I can see the boot and evrething on the external screen only.the laptop display doesn't show nothing.
I tried to play with the FN+F7 keys to choose display but it don't effect nothing...
It looks thet the laptop do not know that the original laptop screen connected.

things i tried:
1. enter to boot -but there's no option of choosing screen.
2. play with the FN+F7 keys to choose display but it don't effect nothing...

I read online that maybe I need to update the video BIOS and ill need to "tell" the chipset that is a screen (the laptop screen) conected to hes ports

There is a setup that I need to do for a new motherboard?
how i can fix my problem?

please help

Assuming you have the exact model. check the connectors on the lvds section which includes the flex cable to lcd screen. You might have shorted something.

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