Some questions from a new user of HFSS

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Newbie level 1
Jan 7, 2006
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Hi, everyone:
I have been using HFSS to observe the field pattern in a resonant cavity for several days but there are still some questions I couldn't understand about the software, can anybody help me, thanks.

1. what on earth is an intergration line and what's its function?
In some tutorials of HFSS they say an intergration line serves as an impedence line and a calibration line. To be frank, I don't know what does it mean. In my case, I assign an excitation of wave port on the resonant cavity and the problem is no matter how I draw the intergration line(eg. different length, different diretion, diffrerent startpoint or just set none for the mode each time), the field pattern in the cavity is just the same. Another question is in what situation is the intergration line drawn correctly? It seems that the line can be only drawn in the same plane as the port, otherwise it is invalidly defined.

2. what is the solution frequency?
Just take an example to illustrate: I have drawn an rectangular resonant cavity and the resonant frequecy of TE101 is 2.4G. I have assigned the wave port on the
surface of th cavity and if I want to setup an analysis whether it is correct I aslo make the solution frequency the same as the resonant frequency, say, 2.4G


An integration line is:
a line your draw (and Unlick Model, making it a NON-Model Structure, that is NOT-SIMULATED).

Then after analysis, you will see it when you select Results / Create Report

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