some basic PIC microcontroller question..need your help

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Nov 1, 2006
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Hi all,

I am fresh to PIC controller, i hv some basic microcontroller question need you help..

Question 1:Memory Size:
For 8051, datasheet written
- 128 x 8-bit Internal RAM

is that means 1 memory location can store 8-bits data. total hv 128 memory location, so the total memory RAM size is
128 x 8 bits = 1024 bits
128 x 1 byte = 128bytes

is that the same calcucaltion theory can apply to PIC controller?
from PIC16F876 datasheet,

Up to 8K x 14 words of FLASH Program Memory,
Up to 368 x 8 bytes of Data Memory (RAM)
Up to 256 x 8 bytes of EEPROM Data Memory

is that means 1 memory location can store 8-bytes data, total hv 368 memory location, so the total memory size is

368 x 8 x 8 bits = 23552 bits
368 x 8 bytes = 2944 bytes


368 x 8 bits = 2944 bits
368 x 1 byte = 368 bytes

which calculation is correct? if cal2 is correct, y the unit display on datasheet is 'bytes' NOT 'bits'?
Up to 368 x 8 bits of Data Memory (RAM)
is that the standard display way for the microcontroller?

Up to 8K x 14 words of FLASH Program Memory
1 words = 4 bytes
8k x 14 words = 8k (memory location) x (14 x 4) = 448000 bytes?

Question 2:14-bits op-code vs. 8-bits op-code:
what means of 14-bits op-code? what r the different between 8 bits op-code?
is that means they can do more task on one command?

A = 0x05 + 0x09;

in 8051,(8-bits op-code)
ADD A,#05H
ADD A,#09H

in PIC,(16-bits op-code)
ADD A,#05H,#09H

16-bits op-code can done the job on one 'ADD' command?

Thanks for your help.

#1, ram is counted in bytes not bits
#2, PIC has paging and banking that's why it has extra bits in its op code to switch between banks or pages

penoy_balut said:
#1, ram is counted in bytes not bits
#2, PIC has paging and banking that's why it has extra bits in its op code to switch between banks or pages

sorry, i am not understand yet.
u mentions ram is counted in bytes. is that means PIC16F876A total RAM size r 2944 bytes?
368 x 8 bytes = 2944 bytes

368 x 8 means 368 registers of 8 bit data, that is for 8-bit microcontroller


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penoy_balut said:
368 x 8 means 368 registers of 8 bit data, that is for 8-bit microcontroller

because the PIC16F876 datasheed showing that
368 x 8 bytes,after the 8 following with 'bytes' not 'bits', so i confuse on the number of 8 is represent of 'bit' or 'byte'.

if that's a 16-bit microcontroller it could have been written as 368 x 16


    Points: 2
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thanks. i understand the memory size already.
but i still cant understand wat r the different between
14-bits op-code vs. 8-bits op-code...

hope you can give me a sample on it.. thanks a lot.

programming PIC as a beginner does not require the knowledge about op code, familiarize yourself in its instruction sets, register addressing, banking and paging, after that you'll know how op code works

[ SPI Clock Problem ]

Hi ,

I would like to generate 500k SPI clock with external crystal 4Mhz.

from datasheet, SPI clock have 4 modes(SSPCON)
0000 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/4
0001 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/16
0010 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/64
0011 = SPI Master mode, clock = TMR2 output/2

SCK = 1Mhz (FOSC/4, with crystal 4Mhz)
SCK = 250khz (FOSC/16, with crystal 4Mhz)
the first 3 modes cant fullfill my requirment to generate 500khz.

Only mode 4 can customize the frequency, TMR2 output / 2.
my settings was shown below:
//SPI Settings
SSPIE = 0;
SSPEN = 0 ;

SSPSTAT= 0b11000000 ;
SSPCON = 0b00010011 ; // using mode 4

CKP = 1 ;
CKE = 0 ;
SMP = 1 ;
SSPEN = 1 ;

// Timer2 Settings
TOUTPS3 = 0; // Post Scaler = 1
TOUTPS2 = 0; //
TOUTPS1 = 0; //
TOUTPS0 = 0; //

T2CKPS1 = 0; // Prescaler = 1
T2CKPS0 = 0; //

TMR2 = 0;
PR2 = 1;
TMR2IE = 0;
PEIE = 0;
GIE = 0;
TMR2ON = 1;

Timer2 Clock Prescale Select bits = 1:1
FOSC = 4Mhz
FOSC/4 = 1Mhz(1us)
TMR2=0, PR2=1
TMR2 Output = 1Mhz (1us)

Synchronous Serial Port Mode Select bits = TMR2 output/2
= 1Mhz / 2
= 500khz(2us)

But i probe SCK pin from osillacscope, the frequency is 250khz (4us), anything goes wrong in my settings or wrong calculation?


i found out the reason.

TMR2 output = (4 / FOSC) x N x (PR2 + 1)

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