Some assistance with project, please,

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Newbie level 3
May 9, 2007
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Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Hello all, I just joined, and this is my first post.

Background: assembled and soldered some kits, when I was young. I am 38 now. I designed a set of PC boards last year, for a mixture meter, that I was given schematics for. Turned out great, so far.

Project: I am wanting to design and build a "christmas tree" for my church. Yes, this is a drag racing type set of lights, to start a race. We are wanting: Stage; Stage-Fail; then the Three Timed Yellows followed by Green, as well as Disqualification.

It is my hope that the time delay for each cycle be constant, though each consecutive cycle be random within set parameters.

The staging photo-eyes, as well as the track eyes I think should be wireless. This whole set-up, would be used once a year for our dirt drags, which is an open to all, charitable event. For motorcycles, not dirt bikes. I am wanting to build this system, and donate it to the church. I know I can buy pre-made units, but the ones I have found, are upwards of 6,000 USD. Also, I need to run this unit off 12 volt car batteries. None of this is/will be permanent. Must be remvable, at the end of the day.

If anyone can help me by advice, direction, suggestion, search, etc. that would be greatly appreciated.

It is my intent to be as clear as I can be, short as possible, and with respect, always.

I don't know where to look, what exists, nor do I know anyone in these fields. If you have read this far, I thank you.

God Bless,


Oh Yeah, I am a millwright, so the structure is of no issue to fabricate. The problem for me, is the circuitry.

its not clear what do you want to build...
would you mind to explain more about you project...


Sorry about that.

I want to build the circuitry. The timers, the switches, photo-eyes, and all will be run off the circuitry.

I don't know where to look, for what I am wanting. When a bike comes up to the start line, PE 1 is broken, and R (red led Bulb) 1 is on. If the front wheel goes over the start line, then PE 2 is broken, and R 2 is on. Then, when both riders are in position, and ready, the start man hits a switch, which activates the start sequence. In a consecutive manner Y (yellow led bulb) 1, 2, and 3, then G (green led bulb) are lit up, one at a time. {I would like to have the time delay be a random variable, within parameters, between each Start process.

If a driver launches too soon, after the start sequence has been initiated, then they are disqualified, and a separate R lights up, for their lane only.

The staging lights are smaller, but the yellows, greens, and reds, are all the same size.

I will attempt to draw, with letters:


(praying that comes out as typed)[ignore the dot's/periods]

Further from this point, is the photo-eyes (PE). There would be 6 total, 3 on each lane. The two staging beams, approximately 16 inches apart (parallel) with the second one also doubling as a start timer (duration). The last two PE's are at the finish line, one for each lane. This signal can be used to stop the timers, state the winner, and possibly even mathematically, estimate speed.

All this, running off of deep cycle/marine 12 volt batteries. There is no power available, at this dirt track. The batteries can be placed out of the way, and wires buried, at the stary. At the finish line, the batteries can be buried as well, to prevent obstructions from protruding/being hit.

This is my dream/plan. The framework and the sockets and wiring, is no issue for me to construct. But, the circuitry is beyond my comprehension to design.

I have looked quite a bit, for schematics, but no joy. I don't know where to look. As stated, I was given a schematic for a mixture meter, and I designed the pc boards myself.

If anyone can add, or point me in the right direction, I am appreciative of assistance.

the circuit is complicated, i think it's better if you use PLC for that project since you are to use it in outdoor.

you can look for PLC ebook here at edaboard for more info,


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Does anyone else happen to have anything else to add? I sure was praying for a little more assistance.

Thank you, and God Bless You All,


Timers and speed calculation -- that sounds like a job for a small computer such as a microcontroller board or a laptop, connected through some interface electronics and long cables to your external sensors and lamp drivers.

I don't know what a "mixture meter" is. Do you know any computer programming languages? Do you have some experience assembling and debugging small electronics, or would you rather buy off-the-shelf control modules that plug into the computer and talk to your sensors and lamps? Would you rather spend more money to get the job done sooner, or would you rather build things yourself to save money and learn more about electronics?

Photo-detectors in a dusty smoky outdoor environment could be challenging. Do you plan on buying them or building them?

How much power does each lamp require? 100 watts maybe? How long are the wires between the lamps, the battery, and the computer?

How long is the wire from the furthest photo-detector? A quarter-mile?


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I don't know what a "mixture meter" is: Fuel/air ratio, for fuel injected engines, with 02 sensor.

Do you know any computer programming languages?: No, not at all.

Do you have some experience assembling and debugging small electronics,: Assembling Yes, debugging, No.

Would you rather spend more money to get the job done sooner, or would you rather build things yourself to save money and learn more about electronics?: I don't have the money to spend, to just go out and buy stuff. There is an american company, that makes these units, for about 6 grand. It is a very professional system, and whatnot. Way more than what I have, and it does way more that what I am wanting to do.

The PE's, I would be buying, or there are some that I can get via donation.

The lamps, I prefer to use the 'multi-LED' lamps, for power reasons.

So far, there is no computer involved. It was suggested that I use a PLC. I was hoping to just use a 'dedicated circuit board' type of thing. Which is what I was looking for schematics to build what I want. The length of the wires for the lamps would be in the area of 2, to maybe 3 feet, from the CB. The wires to the PE emitters, would be around 10 or so, and the recievers would be approximately 3 to 4 feet, if not less.

It has been my intent, to mount the electronics box, in the middle to the bottom half of the stand post. The lights would start at the top, and work their way down, whereas the recievers would be at the bottom, and the wiring would come up to the box. The emitters can have their own power supply each, if necessary. Otherwise, the wires could be buried, as it is a dirt track. All this must be removable at the end of the day.

There is no power available to us, so I am looking to use Marine/Rv deep cycle 12 volt batteries, as supplies.

How long is the wire from the furthest photo-detector? A quarter-mile? : No, not that long. I am going to guess, from memory, that the finish line, is approximately 125 to 135 yards.

This is all for charity. This is motorcycle dirt track drag races. We are talking your average Harley Davidson, whichever model, or Yamaha Venture, or whatever someone may ride, on the highways and whatnot.

Sort of like a "test your mettle" type of event. Open to all.

Right now, we just have a simple red and green floodlight, as in, start system, and I am wanting to ramp it up a notch or three. This is all for our charity event, that we have held for the past 7 or so years, called our "Victory Ralley". This is for Christian Bikers, and all others.

I hope that my intent is coming accross, and thank you.


If you don't wish to learn a conventional programming language, then a budget Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) might be a good solution. A PLC is basically the same thing as a microcontroller board plus interface modules, but the PLC includes its own simplified programming language. Hopefully the language is sufficiently powerful and speedy to do what you need.

What is your budget for the control box, excluding all the external stuff? Industrial PLCs usually cost thousands of dollars, however a quick Google search found some low-cost PLCs like this one:

You'll need to determine if the PLC's relay outputs and signal inputs are compatible with your lamps and photo-detectors.


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