Suppose you have three antennas a1,a2 and a3, and the distance of the antennas (a2,a3) to the first antenna (a1) are d12 and d13. When d12 <=lambda/2, you can resolve the angle of arrival of incoming signal with only two antennas (a1 and a2). When you can't position the antennas so close (d12>lambda/2) there will be multiple solutions of possible signal arrival angle. So you both measure the phase difference between a1-a2, and a1-a3. Then you find the true direction of signal incoming. This is ok. But how to do that?
For example s1=exp(j*2pi*f*t), s2=exp(j*2pi*f*t+phi1), s3=exp(j*2pi*f*t+phi2). Suppose that you could extract phi1 and phi2, and you know the antenna distances. Lets say d12=5/2*lambda and d13=9/2*lambda. How do you find the true arrival angle of the signal?
A piece of matlab code would be very helpful.