Solution to Hyperlynx syntax error: L is missing in line xxx

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Re: Hyperlynx error

Open the hypfile in in notepad or texteditor go to the line where u r getting error(in this case 32806).In the line put " " for the device name.
for example if line is (? REF=U5 NAME=NC7SZ125M5(X) L=1)
put "NC7SZ125M5(X)" it will work.


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Hyperlynx error

in fact,the main syntax error is "()"parenthesis rather the device name

How about other errors ?
HyperLynx produces many errors while loading a .hyp file.
Like this :

Illegal pad specified in line 367

Which is this line :

(MDEF, , 0.1496, 0.1496, 180.000, M)

in this record :

{PADSTACK=51, 0.0394
(MDEF, , 0.1496, 0.1496, 180.000, M)
(ADEF, , 0.1614, 0.1614, 180.000, A)

I dont know what is this and what does any of these words ("PADSTACK" or" MDEF" or "ADEF") suppose to mean. But it seems it's a record and it will be use in follower lines when defining "NETs"
If it's help I'll attach the .hyp file.
I'll tell you other errors when this one is fixed !
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