Solution for an audio splitter for PC audio output

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Member level 2
Sep 17, 2001
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I searched arround, but couldn't find appropriate solution to my small problem which is:

My PC has only one audio output (speaker), but I use speaker, headphones and scart cable for watching movies on the TV. Every time I want to use another device I have to go under the table and change the cable which goes to the sound card output.

Is there some way to "split" the output signal to many devices?

The best thing would be some pasive elements audio splitter which takes care of the right impedances (4 Ω I guess) and do so with minimal signal loss. I don't want to have another power supply adapter under the table.

Other solution would be some active electronic device, but this is not so desireble.

Please help me with some suggestions or maybe some concrete solutions.


Re: Audio splitter

Hi Rostfrei,

First, do you know how large is the signal will be output from your pc's audio output? Because, you may need to consider of the input limit of other equiment. You may need to add a very simply resistor network for high level signal's attenuation. This is the only thing you may need to considering.

Second, parallel all of the attenuation network to the pc audio output.

That's all....


Audio splitter

What about impedances and signal power loss because of impedance incompability (in case of...parallel all of the attenuation network to the pc audio output)?

Signal is the size of standard PC sound card (it's on mother board). Is it 0,7V RMS?


Re: Audio splitter

For audio frequency design, especially in audio power circuits design, impedance matching is nothing! It's just need to considering the signal level for each device.

Usually audio signal from the sound card's line-out port is around 1Vrms.
It's unrealistically drive a louderspeaker by sound card's line-out. You have to amplifier the signal level and provide more current ability for drive a louderspeaker or headphone.

In this case, you just need to parallel all of the equiment to sound card line-out port if you only want it sound. Not any component is necessary...


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