KlausST said my words. How much sense it makes to "simulate a valve". What does one gain from it. Solenoid is just a electromagnetic coil and there are many easier ways to simulate it. May be you can use a relay or simply a LED can indicate the working.
It all depends on application driven requirements. If all you are doing is watering tomatoes
then yes, an extended spice model is not necessary. But if you are trying to precisely supply
a fixed amount of gas or liquid for a chemical process, then the entire response of the valve
may be needed.
So yes, you and Klaus are correct for simple stuff, but for all applications in the galaxy maybe
good answer study the total application and act/design appropriately. As well especially given we are
in the IOT age of sensors and systems, where power is everything, and actuating versus holding
designs would be a good way of conserving power. And knowing what transient demands look like
in low power systems......so many design variants, not all simple !