You can plate alumimun housing to be solderable. Typically one nickel plates first, and then applies a thin layer of tin or gold on top of the nickel. Theoretically you can solder to the nickel, but it tends to oxidize right away and is hard to solder to.
You CAN epoxy the unit into the housing. There are silver loaded epoxies, either in paste form or in sheet form that are available, but they are fairly expensive.
Silver paint can work for an hour or so in the lab for a quick test. But it will fall off over time so it is not a permanent solution.
You may be able to simply attach the PCB board, if the board is flexible, to the housing with screws. Two screws on either side of each microwave launch to the board will probably work up to perhaps 5 GHz. Just use a washer under the screw thread so the board does not cold form around the screw head and loose its tension over time.
You could solder the PCB onto a brass or copper carrier sheet, maybe 0.1" thick, and then screw the carrier into the housing.