Hi, I have a standard sildering iron. It has a tip that will do for soldering breadboard etc, but, I need to repair a mimi router which has a micro usb connector (female) and the tip is way to big. I have been googling and found various tip for sale such as
But no amount of googleing can I find an illistration of the standards for soldering tip size. Can anyone advise?
soldering microusb port is a little tricky and I don't know how thick is your soldering iron, if you think you have to change it then buy a replacement tip, I bought my self an ironing tip last few days too!
before proceeding to buying anything make sure you are buying the right one for your solder. the link you posted shows an iron tip for soldering station which consists of a ceramic core element, if you have soldering station then buy a pointy tip. if you have a regular solder like me, then those tips won't fit on it
for common iron you need a tip like below picture:
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**
so now you know what kinda tip you need.
the key to successful soldering of micro usb is don't over heat it and prepare the board before welding.
if you have shorted the legs thats ok and common, don't panic and clean extra solder with this flux wire
place it on the bad soldered area then heat it with iron, it will su*ck up extra solder)
flux wire
there are tons of videos online to show how a micro usb is welded its good to see some