Hi, shutter_man and pisoiu,
I'm actually building this battery charger unit to be fitted in the "middle" of the connection between the solar panel and the motor. I've been trying to read up certain website regarding Maximum Power Point Tracker but it seems that I couldn’t come into conclusion regarding the major differences between a MPPT and a normal battery charger.
Do you mind to briefly explain the difference between the MPPT and the battery charger? Am I right to say that, one of the major differences would be the ability for the MPPT to track and make certain adjustments to deliver a maximum power to the battery?
However, I'm building this battery charger unit, where I will boost the voltage level of the solar panel to an appropriate level for charging of the battery. This statement: "I will control the duty ratio of DC/DC converter to boost up the output voltage of the solar panel to an APPROPRIATE LEVEL". So, can I consider my battery charger a MPPT? However, I will not be able to deliver a maximum power to the load most of the time. In my situation, as a battery charger, I thought my main concern would be stepping the voltage level up to an appropriate level for charging to occur? Thus, how do I maintain or control to obtain a maximum power point from my charger?
By the way, I don't understand how do we connect the battery-motor-solar panel together. As in, if I simply connect them in series, does it mean that the output from the solar panel will first flow into the battery. But, if I turn the motor on, the motor will first "automatically" or "smartly" draw the current from the solar panel. If it is insufficient, then the remaining will come from the battery. Meaning, the possibility of having the motor undergo a charging process is impossible when I turn the motor on? Am I right to say this?
Thanks in advance.