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Software vs hardware debugging and compatibility

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Full Member level 2
Full Member level 2
Feb 14, 2008
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software vs compatibility

What is the difference between software (emulator) and hardware (ICD) debugger ?

What problems i may face if ICD is not compatible with compiler (MPLAB) ?

For example Easypic 5 is not MPLAB compatible. What problems/disadvantages i may face.

Can ICD be compensated by software debugger ?

Thank you !

In the old days an ICE (in circuit emulator) was the way to go, problem was price and complexity. SO the ICD (in circuit debug) was added to many microcontrollers but will cost the use of an I/O pin or two. They're not as fast or flexible as a true ICE but are cheap.
EasyPIC makes their own ICD. A MPLAB supported ICD will always be able to program more PICs than one that requires custom software.

No the Simulator cannot be used with the debugger but is a nice complementary tool.


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OK ...

So iv got choice to make.

* I like Easypic 5 dev. board. I mean it is nice and shiny, it got buttons, LCD screen many programming ports, and so many more.

But easypic ICD does not support MPLAB, whitch is best of a kind ;)

* I can get a PicKit 2 and some dev. board interface. But it will be MPLAB compatible and ...

Maybe there are other possibilities: Other MPLAB compatible development boards.

What about compilers ? What are the good/bad parts of MPLAB vs MikroC.

Thank you !

I have been searching on internet for dev. boards.

And found PICDEM 2 plus
**broken link removed**

It is much cheaper, but it got uncomfortable IO connectivity and some other cons.

Which one i should choose ? Easypic 5, Pickit 2 or PicDEM.

Added after 4 hours 55 minutes:

FFS ...
There are always problems.
Iv found that my laptop PC do not have a RS 232 port. So to get a PICDEM 2. dev. kit i need pickit 2. and ...

Also iv found in a closet some kind of controller. A russian one name masterkit NM8036, It was fathers so he gave it to me... but still... iv got no rs232 cable.
It got Atmel Mega32 chip. Can it be programmed and what software should i use ?


Im trying to find a optimal solution but ... i still manage to fail. So now i got free MCU kit but it is ATMEL chip. So what about all the PIC books i read. aahh

Can someone help me out, advise maybe some answers to questions ... Just Buying thing so complicated... cmon many things can go wrong ;)

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