Software for drawing electronic circuits

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Member level 1
Jun 2, 2013
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hello friends
i need a good software to drawing electronic circuits and i want it to use in publishing my final thesis, i use visio,tinycad,electronic workbench and...
but in all of them i have a problem! i want to draw mosfets without bulk pin, clearly i want draw MOS in this shape:

not in this shape:

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

MOSFETs have a bulk terminal, whatever it's conncted to. But you can make your own schematic symbols or modify existing ones in any electronic CAD tool.
Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

i tried to edit it, but i couldn't!
thank's i try again.

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

E.g. in LTspice, you can make a new MOSFET symbol with a few clicks from the existing one and use it in your circuit. Straight line as channel usually stands for depletion mode FET, by the way.

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

you can always edit in MSpaint to satisfy the FET symbol. ^^,

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

is it possible to edit the MOS symbol in orcad capture CIS ?

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

Yes. You can. Select symbol and do RMB > Edit Part. Or you can open the symbol library (.olb) and edit the symbol.

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

i try but i can not exactly do what i want, the arrow of source doesn't place in a right place!

Re: a software for drawing electronic circuits

Whatever package you are using, just read its help file or user manual, look for the section where it explains how to draw/add user defined components.

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