Software for controlling trace length on PCB

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Full Member level 5
Mar 9, 2002
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hi everybody,
which is the cheapest software, which is able to control trace length of data buses when skew matters?
thanks in advance, ep20k.

pcb trace length

Allegro can do it very well .......

Re: trace length on pcb

I do not recommend target 3001. It is a cheap environment, but not very powerful, and not easy to work with. We use Expedition PCB, this does automatic routing with constant delay very well. I do not know if it's within the budget limits though.

Re: trace length on pcb

Any design rule is created by yourself.EDA tools performed youe ideas. Good EDA tools can perfoem you design moer easy.I think Allegro is a good chioce.

trace length on pcb

you can use simple software of PCAD

Re: trace length on pcb

Nearly all EDA tools have a facilty for matched track lengths within their design rules sets.

But I have never been able to keep the words 'cheap' and 'good' in the same description about any software.

If cheap is the key word and you define cheap as say less than $5,000 USD, you can forget PowerPCB, Cadence (allegro) or Expedition or even PCAD & protel actually

Does not leave a lot of scope for choice.


Re: trace length on pcb

Hi to all,
I agree with j2356r about Cadence,Mentor Altium and so on... are very expensive !!!
However I tried Puls@nix and I have seen that it can do that !!
Puls@nix allow you to create a Net Class (e.g. Bus class) with Min-Max Track Length and quite interesting a Pin to Pin Track Length
(e.g. uP -- Length -- Memory -- Length -- Memory).
You can see the price on web (start with ~$2K for 1000pins)


Re: trace length on pcb

u might wanna try Cadstar v6.0, its free to certain extend.
& free maintenance if ur buying the software....seems a powerful tool.

All PCB software comes with a cost depending on how u intend to use it long term investment. Sometimes its worth the cost coz u neve know when u'll need more of the functions when ur board become more complicated.


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