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software for circuit designing

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Aug 17, 2010
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i have many circuits in my mind but i dont know where to test those ciruits. Obviously i cant use a bread board every time so

can any one tell me which is the best software for ciruit designing

i think you are talking about testing the circuit without
constructing in breadboard ?

You may refer the below link for similar discussion.

Any ways, there are softwares like Electronic work bench for an average simulation whearas Supersim, Multisim, Proteus, for advanced simulation. It all depends on what level your cicruits are and how you need to test your circuits.


manuj216 said:
i have many circuits in my mind but i dont know where to test those ciruits. Obviously i cant use a bread board every time so
can any one tell me which is the best software for ciruit designing

A good and successful engineer never tries to find the "best" solution. Simply because he cannot succeed. For no task there is a "best" solution - instead look for a solution that serves your needs and that is appropriate.

In your specific case, you don't need the "best" program - try to find one that is easy to handle and that is a good compromize between price and performance.

Hi "manuj216"
As you ask: which is the best software for ciruit designing?
The answere is: As my opinion Eagle PCB and OrCad is Good and as a beginner you should try CircuitMaker because it is well arranged and quite easy to design.
This link might be helpful"Circuit design tutorial in CircuitMaker 5

You can use Proteus ,(simulation software )

I'd like to add some comments to the good advices already given by others. I've always felt it wrong to rely blindly on simulations without a proper grasp of the underlying principles of a circuit and the components involved. I've seen some people do just that in the short time that I've been a regular in this forum.

A simple example would be controlling an LED by setting the voltage without any form of current control. It may work in a simulation, but that approach fails to consider the sensitivity of an LED to slight changes in voltage, variations in voltage drop from unit to unit and with temperature.
Pjdd, of course you are right.
In general, it should be emphasized that the exactness of simulations strongly depends on the completeness of the models used to describe the properties of parts (in particular: active devices). Thus, don`t blindly trust your simulation results without knowing the limitations of the models used.

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