Software controlled SMPS

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Advanced Member level 6
Jun 13, 2021
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A company is getting a custom offline SMPS designed, of spec...
Vout = 40V
Pout = 400W peak, 200W average.
Fully Isolated

They are thinking of going with a company who will do it with their own PWM controllers, which contain their own such, the company is then "tied" to this power supply design consultancy, and must purchase the PWM control chips from them for every production run.

Is this a good idea?

It's common for things not to work when you run one guy's software on another guy's chip. And if you complain, each has the universal excuse: "Our product is fine, the problem is that you're trying to pair it with a different brand."

The company can't make that excuse. So they must be special in some way, if they insist on supplying both software and chip. Is their price appealing? Do they guarantee a low price to perpetuity, or is it their option to raise price arbitrarily in the future?

If their custom controller doesn't work with normal electronic parts, do they have their own brand of 'special' components that will work, for a price?
sole source = hell, no unless you and your legal department are
of a scale to steer that tanker.

Otherwise you are only inviting abuse today, and a ride on the
component obsolescence train tomorrow.
The first issue to be addressed is the voltage resistance and internal interference issues of the IO port, which require hardware support, followed by software issues. Currently, NXP is available, and you can check their website information
--- Updated ---

The first issue to be addressed is the voltage resistance and internal interference issues of the IO port, which require hardware support, followed by software issues. Currently, NXP is available, and you can check their website information
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