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This is highly device dependent so there is no generic 'C' code that will work in all situations.
The principle is -
1. provide a timing source one bit long (the Baud rate clock).
2. drive the output low for one bit period, this is called the 'start bit'.
3. create a loop counter for each bit, usually there are 8 bits.
4. if the LSB of the data is low, drive the output low, if it is high, drive it high.
5. shift the data one bit to the right so that data bit 1 becomes the LSB.
6. subtract 1 from the loop counter.
7. wait one bit period.
8. keep going back to step 4 until the loop counter reaches zero.
9. drive the output high for one bit period, this is called the 'stop bit'
Repeat all the above for each byte of data you want to send.
1. provide a timing source of half of one bit (twice the Baud clock rate)
2. wait for the input to go low (detecting either a start bit of a low data bit)
3. wait one half bit length
4. create a loop counter for each bit, usually there are 8 bits.
5. read the input and save it in the LSB of your data storage variable.
6. shift the variable one bit to the left.
7. wait TWO half bit lengths.
8. subtract 1 from the loop counter
9. keep going back to step 5 until the loop counter has reached zero.
10. wait TWO half bit lengths.
11. if the input is high, the received data byte is in your variable, if the input is low you have a framing error and need to try again.
12. Wait for the input to go high so it is ready for the next byte to arrive.
Note that other than detecting a framing error, there is no fault detection. You should check the received data is as expected and have it resent if necessary. The reason for the half-bit delay after detecting the beginning of the start bit is so the next time you sample the input is is in the middle of the data bits.
#define Version "180702"
#define Directory " "
#define Project " "
#define Source " "
#define MCU "AT89C2051"
#define FOSC "18.432MHz"
#define POWER_Supply "5V"
#define XTAL 18432000
#define BAUDRATE
#define BitTimer (((XTAL/BAUDRATE)/12) - 5) / 2
#define Byte unsigned char
#define Word unsigned int
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define CR 13
#define LF 10
#define LED_Error P1.B4
#define ON 0
#define OFF 1
const char TH1_INIT = 0xB1; // Initial 20mS at 12MHZ
const char TL1_INIT = 0xE0;
sbit Soft_Uart_RX at P3_0_bit;
sbit Soft_Uart_TX at P3_1_bit;
char TEXTE[64];
Word i,j,k;
volatile unsigned char Count1;
Byte char c1;
Byte Erreur=0;
Byte Dummy;
//-------------- Interrupt handler routine
void Timer1InterruptHandler() org IVT_ADDR_ET1
EA_bit = 0; // Clear global interrupt enable flag
TR1_bit = 0; // Stop Timer1
TH1 = TH1_INIT; // Reset Timer1 high byte
TL1 = TL1_INIT; // Reset Timer1 low byte
if (Count1 >= 20) {
Count1 = 0;
TH0 = 0x1c; // Set Timer1 high byte
TL0 = 0x23; // Set Timer1 low byte
EA_bit = 1; // reSet global interrupt enable flag
TR1_bit = 1; // stop Timer1
void Init_Timer1() //
ET1_bit = 0; // disable Timer1 interrupt
GATE1_bit = 0; // Clear this flag to enable Timer1 whenever TR1 bit is set.
C_T1_bit = 0; // Set Timer operation: Timer1 counts the divided-down systam clock.
M11_bit = 0; // M11_M01 = 01 => TMOD=1 (16-bit Timer/Counter)
M01_bit = 1;
TF1_bit = 0; // Ensure that Timer1 interrupt flag is cleared
TR1_bit = 0; // Turn off Timer1
TH1 =TH1_INIT; // Set Timer1 high byte
TL1 =TL1_INIT; // Set Timer1 low byte
PT1_bit=1; // priorité
// to active Here
TR1_bit = 0; // Stop timer1 (1=Run Timer1
EA_bit = 0; // Disable global interrupt enable
ET1_bit = 0; // Disable Timer1 interrupt
void main( void)
Erreur= Soft_UART_Init(2400,1);
while (Erreur>0)
c1 = Soft_UART_Read(&Erreur);
if (Erreur)
ok sir
idont know how to write so iam asking while iam using turbo c complier
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,152 ::
0x024D 0x851C0E MOV __Lib_SoftUART_FullBit, Soft_UART_Init_temp_word_L0+0
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,153 ::
0x0250 0xAC18 MOV R4, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0
0x0252 0xAD19 MOV R5, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0+1
0x0254 0xAE1A MOV R6, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0+2
0x0256 0xAF1B MOV R7, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0+3
0x0258 0xA814 MOV R0, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0
0x025A 0xA915 MOV R1, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+1
0x025C 0xAA16 MOV R2, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+2
0x025E 0xAB17 MOV R3, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+3
0x0260 0x3153 ACALL _Div_32x32_S
0x0262 0xA804 MOV R0, R4
0x0264 0xA905 MOV R1, R5
0x0266 0xAA06 MOV R2, R6
0x0268 0xAB07 MOV R3, R7
0x026A 0x850014 MOV Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0, 0
0x026D 0x850115 MOV Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+1, 1
0x0270 0x850216 MOV Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+2, 2
0x0273 0x850317 MOV Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+3, 3
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,155 ::
0x0276 0x7C01 MOV R4, #1
0x0278 0xA818 MOV R0, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0
0x027A 0xA919 MOV R1, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0+1
0x027C 0xAA1A MOV R2, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0+2
0x027E 0xAB1B MOV R3, Soft_UART_Init_q2_L0+3
0x0280 0x31B1 ACALL __shr_longint
0x0282 0xD3 SETB C
0x0283 0xE514 MOV A, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0
0x0285 0x98 SUBB A, R0
0x0286 0xE515 MOV A, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+1
0x0288 0x99 SUBB A, R1
0x0289 0xE516 MOV A, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+2
0x028B 0x9A SUBB A, R2
0x028C 0xEB MOV A, R3
0x028D 0x6480 XRL A, #128
0x028F 0xFC MOV R4, A
0x0290 0xE517 MOV A, Soft_UART_Init_q1_L0+3
0x0292 0x6480 XRL A, #128
0x0294 0x9C SUBB A, R4
0x0295 0x4002 JC L_Soft_UART_Init23
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,156 ::
0x0297 0x050E INC __Lib_SoftUART_FullBit
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,158 ::
0x0299 0x7801 MOV R0, #1
0x029B 0xE50E MOV A, __Lib_SoftUART_FullBit
0x029D 0x08 INC R0
0x029E 0x8002 SJMP L__Soft_UART_Init32
0x02A0 0xC3 CLR C
0x02A1 0x13 RRC A
0x02A2 0xD8FC DJNZ R0, L__Soft_UART_Init33
0x02A4 0xF9 MOV R1, A
0x02A5 0x85010D MOV __Lib_SoftUART_HalfBit, 1
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,160 ::
0x02A8 0xC3 CLR C
0x02A9 0xE9 MOV A, R1
0x02AA 0x9407 SUBB A, #7
0x02AC 0x5005 JNC L_Soft_UART_Init24
;__Lib_SoftUART.c,161 ::
0x02AE 0x7801 MOV R0, #1
0x02B0 0x7900 MOV R1, #0
0x02B2 0x22 RET
#ifndef CR
#define CR 13
#define LF 10
// la Pin de sortie est definie dans le main program
sbit TX3_Pin at LATA.B2;
sbit TX3_Pin_Direction at TRISA.B2;
unsigned char c3 absolute 0x0020;
unsigned char RS_Count;
unsigned char RS_tmp;
unsigned char RS_Delay ;
void UART3_Write(unsigned char c1); // ecrit 1 char
void UART3_Write_Text(unsigned char *T); // ecrit un texte situé en RAM
void UART3_Write_CText(const char *txt3); // ecrit un texte en dur (situé en ROM)
void CRLF3(void) ; // envoit saut de Ligne 13 , 10 ( CR LF)
void UART3_Write_CText(const char *txt3)
while (*txt3)
// Delay_us(500);
void UART3_Write_Text(unsigned char *T) // at adress 0x002 taille 42 bytes
while(*(T)>0) // verif sur VBRAY en mode ASCII
UART3_Write(*(T++)); // c3 variable globale
void CRLF3()
void UART3_Write(unsigned char cc) // 16MHz 19200 bauds
c3=~cc; // complement du caractere !
// avec TX3_PIN => RA2
movlw 8 ; 8 bits
movwf _RS_Count ; compteur de bits envoyés
bcf LATA,2 ; bit de start
call RSdelai2 ; tempo
// rrf _c1,f ; on recupere dans C le bit à envoyer
// syntaxe à revoir en fonction du PIC utilisé rrcf avec 18F87J50
rrf _c3,1 ; on recupere dans C le bit à envoyer
btfsc STATUS,C ; bit à envoyer = 1 ?
goto L10 ; oui
bsf LATA,2 ; sinon 0
goto L20 ; on continue sur la tempo
bcf LATA,2 ; bit à 1
call RSdelai2 ; tempo
decfsz _RS_Count,1 ; on decremente le compteur de bits envoyés
goto L00 ; on continue sur les bits suivants
bsf LATA,2 ; bit de stop
call RSdelai2 ; tempo pour bit de stop
call RSdelai2 ; tempo pour bit de stop
goto LA1
RSdelai2: // 52µS / bit at 19200 bauds
MOVLW 28 ;
MOVWF _RS_tmp ;
NOP; ; fait parti de la tempo!
// NOP;
DECFSZ _RS_tmp,F ;
LA1: nop;
Again, Turbo C is not compatible with AT89C51.turbo c compiler is used sir