I am trying to do the power routing of the IO pads in my design. I connected all the power and ground pins using global net connect command.
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin {vdd} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin {vdds} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin {VDD} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A0SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A1SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A2SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A3SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A4SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A5SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {A6SRC} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {TRIGGER} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {BOOST} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {REFIO} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {gnd} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {gnds} -inst * -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin {GND} -inst * -module {}
and then executed the Sroute command:
sroute -connect { padPin } -layerChangeRange { M1 M7 } -blockPinTarget { nearestTarget } -padPinPortConnect { allPort oneGeom } -checkAlignedSecondaryPin 1 -allowJogging 1 -crossoverViaBottomLayer M1 -allowLayerChange 1 -targetViaTopLayer M7 -crossoverViaTopLayer M7 -targetViaBottomLayer M1 -viaConnectToShape { padring ring }
But I got a lot of open violations on the IO filler cells that I have used in the design. please have a look at the image attached. Can anyone please tell me where I am going wrong
Thank you