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Sms text filled with @ characters

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Feb 1, 2007
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I am working on a project that requires a Siemens PLC to send a SMS via a Cinterion modem.

I can send and SMS with the proper AT+CMGS, only if I right the code on the Hiperterminal. If I run the same sequence of AT codes in the PLC the text sent is filled with “@” characters before the real text message.

What could be the problem? Do I have to specify to the modem the length of the message, or where it starts?

Thanks very much in advance!


Thank you very much for the reply.

On the PLC side I have:
9600, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity
1000ms on expiry of character delay time
RTS/CTS with wait time for CTS=ON of 1000ms

On the modem side I have:
Auto bounding AT+IPR=0
And AT\Q3 for the RTS/CTS

I have notice that when I send a string with the ' at+cmgs= "number" $r$l "text to sent" $1A ' It sends the sms without the @ characters, but if I wait for the > charater and then send the text, it fills the sms with the @.

Thank you for the help

make AT+IPR= 9600

connect modem to hyperterminal and see if the modem reads new message and prints on the terminal. make the same setting you have told on the terminal also and check the putput................
Hello ckshivaram.

Thank you for the help.

I have solved the problem. I was sending to the modem a string with a fixed length. I thought that if the modem sense the end of the message by receiving the \r\l , so I could be sending always a 256 string.
It is true, but when you send the AT+CMGS= number \r \l . The PLC continuous sending the entire string and by the moment that the modem send the character > it starts to be receiving. So it was receiving the remaining of the previous string and when I send the message it was already full of @.

The solution was to send the appropriate length of the string and then wait for the >.


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