circuit to improve phase margin
Hi eem2am,
at frequencies below the zero gain crossover frequency, the phase margin must be above 45 degrees for stability.......
i feel convinced of it.
No, certainly not. Why above 45 deg. ?
just imagine if the phase margin was zero below the ZGXF......then you would have gain greater than one , and additive feedback.......that is a cause for oscillation , that is , instability.
No, also in this "critical" case, there would be no instability. Perhaps it is surprising for you, but there are points which fulfill the Barkhausen criterion - and, nevertheless there are no oscillations.
Barkhausen is only a necessary oscillation condition, but not a sufficient one. (This very often is forgotten or even not mentioned in most textbooks !).
Because of the nature of the transfer function under discussion (with a zero to enhance the phase) you have to apply the complete NYQUIST criterion to verify stability - and this criterion indicates stabilty !!
I am growing convinced that this datasheet is in error....
Because of the above arguments: I don´t think so.