I've done googling...Majority telling only 3 important things must consider then it'll work:
1.) Voltage
2.) Current
3.) Rds-on resistance
Any opinions on this? Thanks.
I agree with previous posts but would like to add the following concerns that ought to be checked.
- If significantly lower RdsOn, I would expect significantly lower heat rise, but as this always increases C_ISS if the gate driver is not low enough ESR, it would result in slower RC transition times and
higher commutation losses. , yet lower conduction loss. Thus the gate driver R's may also need to be scaled down if possible. Temperature rise effects depend on circuit and layout.
-if significantly RdsOn, then commutation loss reduces but conduction loss when saturated rises proportional to RdsOn, resulting in linear temperature rise.
When the MOSFET has failed, one has to consider;
- was it a design fault? ( low margin from component variables)
- was it a construction fault? ( poor connections, etc)
- was it a user fault? shorted load in a low cost non fault tolerant design.
Then you can decide if you want to make modifications for future reliability improvements.