for purpose of 12v 60A switching power supply (half bridge or full bridge ) which is a better package option SMD mosfet (D2PAK 7) or through hole (247-3) ? (assuming both have 3mohm Rds)
i have used through hole to247 for a some time and they are really good and can be heatsinked easily . But for size and other issues i looking forward for using the strongest SMD package (d2pak 7) and i donot know how to keep it cool ( without a FAN) , using aluminum and copper heatsinks or bus bars only , does it heat up my PCB traces and how can i remove that heat out ?? (approximately 60A peak for 10s and 40 Amp continuous )
please any ideas , thoughts and advices , somewhere to start even a picture of an industrial product that uses such mosfets !!
thanks in advance guys