There exist antenna-tuning (matching) RFICs, I saw this going
on at the last "straight job" employer (although it was way
outside my activities & interests). Can't help you with selection
or even "who's who", but maybe the tip puts you on a path to
getting a user-tweakable in-situ match capability which you
can either leave in place, or substitute a fixed element when
you are happy. Believe most such critters will use a serial link
and a 3-5V supply (RF CMOS), so you might have to get more
hardware on the bench, but cut-and-try would sure benefit
from bits replacing soldering at least until you're feeling ready
for a deeper commitment.
The stuff I saw going past, was for low and high band cell
phones and noises were made about integrating into RF
switch IC products and front end modules.