I have a Ni-Cd battery rated 4.8V 500mA. It has its own charger so I can charge it. Now I want to use this battery (not battery charger) to charge my smart phone. My smart phone's charger has ratings 5V 700mA. When I measure the Ni-Cd open circuit voltage (at full charge) it shows 5.1-5.5 V. So can I use this to charge my phone? Or it won't have enough power to charge my phone.
One more question about charging my phone. I have solar panel rated 8.5V 0.5A (loaded) and 10V 0.65A (open circuit). To charge my phone using this directly, I needed 5V which I tried to obtain by using 7805 voltage regulator. When the phone is not connected the output of the regulator shows 5V. That's perfect, but when I connect my phone the voltage drops to 4.5-4.8 V. So my phone doesn't charge (though it says charging). I could use a DC-DC converter for this but what else could I use. And why is this happening?